Run: Easy Previous Next


7.2 mi


7:20 mi


COMMENTS: it took a great deal of mental perseverance for me to even go out on this run. i woke up at 1230 today and spent much of the afternoon practicing trombone and chatting to david briefly when he arrived home. by the time i had thought "i should be running," it was already getting dark. i decided on something near an hour, and was able to accomplish that fairly well. ran up to skylane then along to 83rd and came back. did not feel very good for the first 10 minutes of the run and it was more like 8minute pace at the beginning. slowly i brought the pace back to the usual 715 and just felt fine for the rest of the time. I tacked another mile and a bit onto the end of the run by doing a little loop in ashbury near my house.
