Run: Tempo Previous Next


6.2 mi


6:36 mi


Run along the riverfront in the evening before dinner at Reuben and Leah's, and Chad's recital. Chilly at the start of the run (low 50ºs), but there were still parts of the run where I wanted to go shirtless. Not necessary, but still finished sweaty. Checked my stride rate twice, once at 2.x miles and again at 5.x miles, and both times I was right at or slightly above 180spm. I may just stop checking, since it's been so consistent.

Since I was aiming at a bit more of a tempo-like workout, I decided to keep splits, as arbitrary as they were.

To the end of the bridge on the other side of the river (3.1 miles) in 21:00 = 6:46 pace

To the crossing under the bridge at Ford St (1.35 miles, 4.45 total) in 9:00, 30:00 total = 6:40 pace / 6:44

Back to the apt (1.73 miles, 6.18 total) in 10:42, 40:42 total = 6:11 pace / 6:36 total

I ran out to the bridge at a comfortable pace, not really getting my legs going much til a mile or two in. However, it seems like I didn't really pick up much tempo until the last couple miles, even though I thought I was going faster. I definitely felt the struggle a little bit about 4 miles in, but strangely enough most of the struggle on this run was upper body-- holding my arms up and keeping upper body form was tough because of the new workout regimen. Even though this was about even pacing to many of my "moderate paces" recently, the effort felt a bit more like a sustained tempo. It feels as if I get less efficient steeply faster than 6:30 pace. Once I've run a significant amount more mileage at a comfortable pace, putting in some 50 mile weeks, etc. then I'll expect more of my tempo running, but not until then. Still very pleased with this run, because as I was running up Main St at the end, my legs still felt really strong. I can't wait to keep up this streak of running and just enjoy it and the progress I make.
