Run: Easy Previous Next


2.7 mi


8:32 mi


An easy run in the darkness after a very hot day. Ran with Andrew Pramuk, so the pace was easy. Ran on the grass where there was grass, but I definitely felt my foot.

I'm beginning to suspect that biking may in fact be a culprit of the problems with my feet. The suggesting evidence is there:

1. I hadn't been running AT ALL when I started feeling it on runs; I'd really only been biking. Almost immediately when I returned to running a bit in the spring, the tendinitis was there.

2. I hadn't run since last week, and hadn't felt my left foot since then either. Yesterday, I return to doing a workout on the bike at the gym, and this morning I feel my foot as I'm walking around.

3. Running barefoot last week on a mixture of trail surfaces (some of which were hard-packed dirt) didn't seem to hurt my feet at all.

That being said, I could feel my foot hurting after this run. Certainly, running seems to aggravate the pain, but that's no surprise, since running involves quite a bit of foot. However, it's still possible the highly repetitive motion I'm doing biking is what's causing the tendinitis, and it just hurts more when I run because of the related impacts, etc.

Still, what I'd really like to do is get the orthotics, see if that makes a difference, and start seeing a PT who's really knowledgeable about running biomechanics. Otherwise, it's all conjecture because I simply don't have the tools nor the knowledge to figure out what the hell is going on.
