Run: Moderate Pace Previous Next


5.8 mi


6:43 mi


Glad to be out running again today-- icing my shins and ankles as I write. I took an extra day off because I wasn't going to keep doing mileage until I knew I could ice properly.

Interesting night run with mixed pacing. Ran around the park to begin with, then ran up to Monroe to go up the hill. Saw an old guy unicycling up the very steep gravelly part of the hill... crazy! Got to nearish the top, stopped for 20 seconds for a piss, then did 3 loops around the reservoir -- 4:45, 4:45 (6:41 pace), then 4:33 (6:24 pace) -- before going back down the hill really easy to avoid banging up the front of my legs. Ran the reservoir portion with just a t-shirt, despite the 40º temps. Felt great! Form felt smooth, pace felt very very easy and relaxed. Did another loop of the park at the end of the run, opening up the last kilometer and running a bit sub 6. Worked on getting more forward motion out of my stride and keeping it quick yet relaxed. Form felt strong. Finished a bit out of breath but I really felt the runner's high the last bit. Nothing like remembering why you're glad to be alive!

Shins and ankles are feeling pretty good; I think icing is working well. Just saw something from Steen about how you shouldn't wear the same shoes more than 3 days in a row. I need to get into wearing those new shoes. Depending on how tomorrow looks, I'll either do a shorter run on the roads in the new shoes (less time) or a long run (~1hr) on the trails and in the park.
