Run: Easy Previous Next


4.7 mi


7:55 mi


Really easy run with Chris. I wasn't sure how my shins were gonna feel, so we just went really easy and I stuck to the (really wet) grass the whole time. It was good to see Chris again and talk to him for a while on this run. We also discussed running Chicago next year. It seems like, since him and Pat are going to do it, I'll sign up as well. Just need to be consistent and moderate in my training, and I'm sure I'll be well prepared by the time in rolls around in several months. Long travel back tomorrow, but seeing as today's run on grass felt fine, I'll start running again on Monday with a focus on running only on grass until I feel nothing in the shins.

Also, we found an old dog out on the Ashbury path. Luckily, the first house we took him to was his! When we'd arrived in his yard, he tried to let us know we'd taken him home by rooo-ing at us.
