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5 km


6:32 mi


A nice LOL race. Still not at 100% health, but I figured since I paid the money, I should run the race anyway. Planned on passing as many people as possible so I got to check out the costumes. This strategy worked well, and I actually picked up the pace slightly as the race went on -- 6:40 first mile, but not mile timing after that. Don't really remember the route, but there were a few small hills thrown in. Just winding around that neighborhood. Spoke to a few folks along the way, including a guy in a dog costume who informed me that it "fucking sucked" because it was so hot. Also, there was the guy running as Sherlock Holmes, who was near me at the mile and a bit, then finished at 25:00... he was wearing dress shoes. Highlight of the race really came at the end, when I was focusing on catching up to the last group of people I could see before the finish line (up the hill), and there was a group that was partying out the front of their house, who were handing out beers in the usual way water or gatorade is handed out. I grabbed one from them, held it very steady, and proceeded to pass a few people coming into the end. Pretty great. Felt a little queasy afterward (haven't run in weeks), but I caught my breath and enjoyed the Genny Light while Ashley and Elise finished. Mike grabbed a great picture of me coming in, pointing to my beer as I went toward the finish. As an extra bonus, I won a nice bottle of wine for (somehow) winning my age group. As with all these events, there was some guy who destroyed everyone and ran a 16:30. My plan for the future is to invest in some type of fruit costume (banana, maybe a bunch of grapes) and to run charity 5Ks, demoralizing people by passing them dressed as fruit. Maybe I'll try to do that for the turkey trot...

Ran this is in the vibrams. Felt really good, but calves and thighs are a bit sore afterward.
