corb's profile   

Gender: Male
Profession: Software Developer
Age: 49
Current Weight: 71.2 kg
Goal Weight: 74.8 kg
Location: Hoover, AL
About me: 
Running or regular exersize in general was never really my thing to the point most people think I'm joking when I tell them how often I excersize now. I started a new job in March 2006 and several co-workers ran and lifted regularly so I figured it would get me outside for a while plus I needed it. It was horrible and first but after the initial shock wore off, it's become something I look forward to every week. Just running wasn't enough so I decided to get ready for some triathlons... now I'm addicted to them.
Why do I run: 
Better health and it gives me something to compete in.
Why I started running: 
Just felt like it