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7:30 AM

8 km


6:11 mi


177.7 lb


8 / 10
8 / 10


ugh. worst. race. ever. well, not really, but it was quite disappointing.

The setup:

* poor night's sleep the two nights prior, stayed up late with rona on wednesday.

* poor night's sleep the night before. arrived at ~9pm, slept from 9:30-10, meeting from 10:15, then couldn't fall asleep until like 11:30.

* up at 5:40, on the road at 5:45, starting to warm up at 6:40. race was at 7:30.

so there. got 20 min of warmup before i had to start thinking more about the start. in retrospect i should've kept running and not had any/as much downtime (i had 15-20 min). but i never felt warmed up. my legs felt terribad, but the adrenaline made them feel better on the start.

opened with a 5:45 mile and thought i was gonna do it — if there was ever a time to hit a PR 8k, this was it. flat course with 1 short hill that you muscled up 4 times. but then my second mile was 5:55. and it wasn't that i was dying, i just... couldn't hold it? i tried picking it up, but i guess that wasn't really working. i ended up dropping to like a 6:20 because my 5k time was 18:55. 7k time was around 27:00, but that last 1k must've been realz long because it was like almost 4 minutes for me.

anyways, shitty shitty race. i started at the back of the box so i lost a second there, and the finish had two things on the ground that measured out bibs' RFID stuff, but the finish time was at the SECOND one, which was stupid. bleh.

whatever. good race, bad race... eh, whatever. i'm looking forward to getting in more long runs now. 14 tomorrow morning.
