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8:00 AM

8.5 mi


8:16 mi



6.11mi 49:32 (8:07) Burdett light

7.59mi 62:04 (8:11) Bottom of ECAV Hill

7.85 64:42 (8:15)

8.48mi 70:06 (8:16)

Originally told myself I'd do 75 or 80, but once we got to 50ish I was thinking I should stay closer to 65. Ran with Sierra, Andrea, Anneliese, and for a bit with some of the freshmen. First 6 miles were pretty solid, it felt tough to keep up at times but doable. I did the last 8ish minutes on my own, which ended up being 0.89mi (9:03 pace). This part was on grass/around ECAV which I think contributed to the slow down of pace.

Also, I kept forgetting to add this to my past couple runs so I'm adding it now. I felt some soreness in my lower back Friday during the day and Saturday post-run. It felt fine today though. I felt it was important to share due to past back issues. It hasn't been as bad as it was freshman year, more just come and go soreness. I want a record of it in case it does turn into anything that bad.
