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11:00 AM

7.3 mi


7.34 mi / hr

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Woke up this morning with some soreness in my upper medial leg/hip on the right leg. I feel it when I'm sitting and I hold my leg in the air, and I feel it most when I slowly lower my leg back down. I also feel it when I'm walking and my right leg is back and my leg leg forward. I could feel it slightly yesterday, mostly on the hills, but this morning it was much worse. I'm thinking it can't be tight because I do lunges before running and stretch regularly, so I'm thinking the muscle is probably a little weak and needs to catch up.

With training getting a bit more intense, the start of xc getting closer, and with long run tomorrow, I didn't want to make it worse today. There's no use in pushing my training if it results in injury, I'd rather slowly progress my training, if that makes sense. I didn't want to just take today off, so ellipticalling for a little bit longer than I would've ran for sounded like the best solution. (please provide insight if you think there is a better option!)

I know elliptical isn't the best substitute for running, but to me it was better than nothing. I still felt it aerobically, but probably later on in the workout than I would have had I been running. I decided to do an hour because I had the time. I ended up going 11.82km, which is about 7.34mi in an hour, which isn't too bad. The pace was good, and I'm glad I could put in some good work without being affected by the impact of running.

11.82 km = 7.3446 mi
