Bike: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

40.6 km


16.58 mi / hr

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<No name>


40:11 at ECAV, they closed at 9:10 so jenny and i went to the mueller center to finish. went a little over because jenny wasnt done yet. for the last 50 minutes at the mueller center i made sure my rpms were around 88-92, the last 15 minutes i picked it up at around 97-99 rpms.

i really hate biking. and everything right now. it seems like the more i care the worse things get. i feel like the stupid phrase "i was lost and now im found" is backwards right now. i was happiest my freshman year and i really liked myself and the last two years have destroyed me. this is so frustrating and upsetting and i just want to drop out and be done with everything and get back to the me i was before. ok, rant over. i need a diary or something, this is not the place to rant all the time. blahhhhh feelings



a journal does always help, but I enjoying reading your rants. Though this one is slightly depressing. I know how you feel, I wish I could have freshman Katherine back and I know it sucks to bike and not run, I don't have any really good suggestions, just that we love you no matter what, we loved freshman Emily and we still love junior Emily. you don't have to be defined by your running.

Emily Stickles

thanks. sad thing is it's not just running, it's everything. whatever, just gotta keep going right