Run: Race Previous Next


8.6 km


7:30 mi


130.8 lb


9 / 10
7 / 10

Race Result

20 / 133 (15%)
3 / 6 (50%)
5 / 46 (10.9%)
  • Map

<No name>


Should probably have not had the extra drinks yesterday, not done a full workout or cleaned the house yesterday. Still, a pretty solid effort and I feel okay about this.

I used the power of music- but not with headphones. Had "You're gonna lose that girl" for a while, and then pulled up The Script and Katy Perry's "Rise" for the extra oomph after km 7. I realized I had a mile to go, though the GPS wasn't really working properly, so I actually should have gone for the final sprint a lot sooner.

Went zooming through the finish line. Just barely over the 40 minute mark. Since the GPS is weird, I'm also not quite sure if I had a positive split. 5K in 23:11 and 4,3k in 20:05... so I think it's a positive split The whole thing was faster than last week by more than 10 minutes, even if it was only one k less... though that makes me also think the race was a bit short?

Last week's race was 210 ascent. This week was 342... so definitely pushed harder!
