Run_JaredEdwards's profile   

After a hill run and before I shaved.
Name: Jared Edwards
Gender: Male
Profession: Music guy
Age: 48
Height: 1.85 m
Current Weight: 82.5 kg
Goal Weight: 77.1 kg
Location: Shawano, Wisconsin
Home page:
About me: 
musician, husband dad to 4 kids. I want to be active so that I can play with my kids and grandkids for a long while.
Why do I run: 
I run for the sun. I need that vitamin D or I get all messed up. I also run for the meditative quality that it has and lastly, I run to make friends with the pain.
Why I started running: 
I ran cross country in high school and liked it enough. When I was 36 someone asked me if I wanted to run a half marathon. I followed a training plan for that and have been hooked ever since.