Run: Hill Repeats Previous Next


9:00 AM

3.5 km


17:01 mi


120 lb


50 F


5 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map


New workout today. It is a workout that Gary came up with while staying here and I decided this morning I would give it a go in a small way before committing to it on a regular basis.

I warmed up with 1.5 miles first and then hit the bottom of the drive for my first interval. Dick's drive is really perfect for repeats, hard but not so hard that you cannot run every step. I did three .25 repeats up and then recovered by jogging back down. Time for each: 4:30, 4:25, 4:10. It was perhaps kind of wimpy to start with just three repeats but my timing was a bit off as yesterday's workout with Diane included five uphill miles and my legs were pretty dead at the start of the workout. Warmed down with a half mile easy along the road.

If I am going to do speed workouts, hill repeats and a long run each week I am going to have to find a schedule that works and stick with it.
