Run: Intervals Previous Next


8:30 AM

10.5 mi


9:32 mi


119 lb


75 F


7 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


This was a pretty good run. I thought it was time to actually "do" something during a run rather than just slog through it. My legs, cardio and ankle all seem to be good at once so maybe time to really train for a change. I decide to do the 3-2-1 run and set out nice and easy for the 2-mile warm up. The first 3 miles of intervals went down pretty easily and my rest mile was good. When I got to the 2 mile interval set, the first mile went well and then I started to fall apart. I think I was even making little noises by the end of the interval (wa, wa, wa). The final mile pick-up was pointless as nothing really happened. I was trying to run fast but alas I was toast. Easy warm down. Miles were as follows:

9:57, 9:50 (warm up)

8:31, 8:37, 8:26 (3-mile interval))

10:28 (recovery)

8:37, 9:11 (2-mile interval)

10:41 (recovery)

9:40 (1-mile interval - ha!)
