andrsnsm's profile   

Gender: Male
Profession: Site Manager, Pratt & Whitney
Age: 62
Current Weight: 93.9 kg
Goal Weight: 83.9 kg
Location: Edmond, Oklahoma
About me: 
I weighed in at 254 lb in Jan 2008 and scared myself to start working out and eating better. I lost 47 lbs by the summer time and started running again after 15 years in September.
Why do I run: 
Because I can, because I don't want to go back to 254 lbs, because I enjoy the outdoors, because I enjoy the time alone with my thoughts and music, just because.
Why I started running: 
I started running as an extension to my new healthy lifestyle because now I can! Walking just wasn't cutting it any more and I wanted more aerobic fitness.