Run: Interval Previous Next


3:00 PM

8 mi


93 F
  • Map

<No name>


932 days. It was a hot one out there. We did some intervals today on the soccer fields, and I was wishing that soccer players enjoyed trees in their games a little more. I ran with the NHS girls XC team today for the intervals, and they were pretty tired. Most of them were too dehydrated to consider giving it an honest effort. The workout was 8 x 3min at race pace, but I think we probably only did a solid pace for the first two. That was ok for today, it was fun to be back with the girls and listening to funny stories and asking random questions. They're not quite as quiet and awkward as the boys.

My legs felt pretty good, although when I added on 3 miles at the end I could tell I needed water and was really ready to head back for home.
