Run: Interval Previous Next


5:00 PM

10 mi


73 F


918 days. Decided to do a bit of a workout this afternoon. It cooled off and was a perfect evening for loops around the pond by the soccer field. There were two blue herons fishing on the pond as I ran. They are some incredible creatures and I couldn't help watching them during my intervals as they stalked fish in the marshy shallows.

Ended up doing 5X1000m repeats with about a 400 jog in between. Felt pretty good. Started out at 3:48 and cut down each one (3:44, 3:42, 3:35) with the final repeat at 3:30.

My big toe joint is really sore again so I should probably take a down day tomorrow. Planning on running with the NHS team again, so it shouldn't be too difficult.
