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6:00 PM

10.3 mi


6:47 mi


70 F
  • Map

Glow Run


965 days. Went into this run like a sour apple. Totally unwilling to be cheered up by the beautiful weather, the stunning colors of fall leaves, or the glow of a setting sun. Yet somehow, by my 5 or 6 I was finally unable to deny how lucky I was to be running on a fall day like today. My legs are still frustratingly tired and stiff on runs, but I can't help but stare in awe as I pass groves of trees. I named the route today Glow Run, because I hope to always remember the scenes I saw along the way - even on those gloomy, dark runs of winter that I know are ahead. Bottom line....what would I ever do without running?


Emma Spoon

I like this post, it definitely sums up the life of a long-distance runner and reminds me to be thankful and find something to enjoy every time I can get out and run. :)