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4:00 AM

100.1 mi


15:41 mi


175 lb


yep, I ran the Leadville Trail 100.

WG paced and did a great jog,

Dan and Wife did an equally great job crewing.

Pb to MQ: 13.5 miles in 2:21, about 6-11 min slower than planned. Me and Drew ran together, talking about nothing and making some time go by. We got trapped going around the lake on the single track trail, about 7 miles. We would go from jog/hiking 13min pace to 7 min pace to pass people. That messed with my heart rate a bit but I did not want to make MQ in 2:45.

MQ to Fish: 13.5-24 in 2:02, hit a dark patch, really early this race, going up sugarloaf, had to walk. Took it nice and easy on the down hill (Powerline), made sure I did not pass anyone. Me, Drew, and Lynette discussed this tatic many time going into the race. There is not reason to slam down that 3 mile section and maybe gain 3-6 min, when I can take it easy and run most every step into Twin Lakes.

Fish- Twin Lakes: 24-39.5: did this section in right at 3 hours, 3:15 was my goal. I had a great aid station at Fish Hatchery, traded my pack for a hand held and ran the next 4 miles to Tree Line crew station in 39-40 min and kept the pace super duper easy. Felt odd jogging 10 min pace and telling myself that I am Flying down the road. Tree Line to Halfmoon was uneventful with a few walk breaks, just cause. I did not need water at Halfmoon so it was a really quick in and out, i think i shook some salt onto a watermellon, cause the sun was coming out. Half moon to CT was easy and jogging up the little incline felt super easy so I ran till the singletrack. Made the left on the CT feeling good but walked all the ups, jogged the flats. Made it out of Twin Lakes and onto the marsh in 7:26. 4 in ahead of schedule and feeling good about my ralley after that first dark patch.

Twin to Winfield: 39.5-50: my goal was a conservative 6 hours from Twin to Win to Twin. I made the first 30 min of the climb easy and then things got really really bad, it took me an extra 35 min to make the climb. took me 2+ hours, I can take it easy and do it in 1:30, with a PR of 1:18. bullshit. I sat down at Hopeless aid station and took in some coke and soup and let that settle in and then was on my way, felt pretty good after a few minutes of down, made good time on the road up to Winfield, did not run a whole lot but I did run some of it.

Turned at Winfield @ 10:55 (I think thats right)

Winfield to Twin: 50-60.5: 3 hours was the goal and made it over in 3:35. Met WrigleyGirl and winfield and that was a real shot of life. again my climb sucked, dont know why exactly. another stopover and ralley at hopeless aid station, made it down Hope a bit to fast, but we also made really good time across the marsh and had a quick twin lakes aid station stop. well, we stopped to change shoes and clean the feet for the last 40 miles, but it felt quick, there was no sitting for the sake of rest.

Twin to Fish: 60.5-76: had a good climb out of fish, ran the flat parts once it got to single track. WG was great at pushing me on these parts, I was trying to run when she tole me to. WG would hand me a gel when it was time. I took too long at Halfmoon aid station.

Fish to MQ: does it matter how far ?
