Run: Easy Previous Next


5:45 PM

5 mi


6:38 mi


5 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


7:05; 6:25; 12:40; 6:55

Ran the first hilly mile and kind of pushed a bit for moderate effort, but since the next 2 miles were pretty much all downhill, that same effort led to pretty fast running, felt great to be comfortably running quick.

Got stopped by like 3 or 4 lights which sucked because they changed pretty quick so it was just enough to piss me off. Cars everywhere at this time of day.

Last mile pretty steep parts but all uphill, so I tried to watch my effort and keep it around moderate.

6x20-sec strides. Felt VERY fast and controlled.

Training Plan Entry


7.5 mi

2-mi WU

4x (30-sec fast w/ 1-min rec.)

3x (800m I pace with 2-min rec.)

4x (1000m T pace with 1-min rest.)

2-mi CD
