Pretty pics from your run (Read 1294 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

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    Tonight's sunset run after working a Sunday


    Joann Y

      Almost never take pictures while running but was inspired yesterday.


      Lincoln Park Conservatory



      Hebrew Benevolent Cemetery (near Graceland Cemetery)


        From a recent run near Half Moon Bay, CA.


        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


          My wife took this photo of me running back in early February.  One of my favorites.  Shoreline Park, Mountain View, California.  Hard to believe that's pretty much the heart of Silicon Valley.


            So funny, Ken, but I never feel like it is as pretty as your picture when running at Shoreline!!  It always just seems windy and depending upon the time of year, stinky.  Your wife makes you look like a magazine cover. 

            "Shut up Legs!" Jens Voigt

            Just B.S.

              From long run on Saturday. Others may think it's pretty but I am damn sick of it after 4 months of snow.

              I rarely carry my phone but MP3 player died and didn't want to run 15 miles alone

              with no music.  The river is about 1 mile from home and I can do 18 hilly miles (9 miles out and back) directly alongside.

              Normally run Sunday but another blizzard was coming thru with 15 more inches of snow so had to swap it. 


                So funny, Ken, but I never feel like it is as pretty as your picture when running at Shoreline!!  It always just seems windy and depending upon the time of year, stinky.  Your wife makes you look like a magazine cover. 


                LOL - those kinds of things are all about the photographer and, in my case, not about the subject!  She does an excellent job in composing her shots.  She deletes anything that doesn't meet her standards.  This IS about pretty pictures, right?  Good thing the smell doesn't come through in the picture!

                Do you run at Shoreline often?  I go there when I want a long, flat run.  My favorite run there is about 10 miles at a bit slower than threshold pace (I think that was type of run I was doing in the photo as I look like I might be picking up my feet there).


                Keep the pictures coming people, all of them are making me want to get out for a run now!


                not bad for mile 25

                  Okay, picture an orange rising crescent moon with just a wisp of clouds in front of it.  That's what I saw this morning.  Sorry, I practically never carry my phone on runs.

                  Best Present Ever

                    Outside of Charlottesville VA



                      under eagle rock

                         Do you run at Shoreline often?  I go there when I want a long, flat run.  My favorite run there is about 10 miles at a bit slower than threshold pace (I think that was type of run I was doing in the photo as I look like I might be picking up my feet there).



                        Oh, I used to run up there more often.  It is a bit North of where I am at, though so not really convenient except occasionally.

                        "Shut up Legs!" Jens Voigt


                          From long run on Saturday. Others may think it's pretty but I am damn sick of it after 4 months of snow.

                          I rarely carry my phone but MP3 player died and didn't want to run 15 miles alone

                          with no music.  The river is about 1 mile from home and I can do 18 hilly miles (9 miles out and back) directly alongside.

                          Normally run Sunday but another blizzard was coming thru with 15 more inches of snow so had to swap it. 


                          Where is this?  Looks like the kind of place where I'd like to live...and run!

                          an amazing likeness


                            Where is this?  Looks like the kind of place where I'd like to live...and run!


                            Grab a map...find the eastern most point in the US. Head north through the Saints....Stephen...then Andrew...then John. You've arrived.


                            (St. John, New Brunswick is my guess...)

                            Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

                            Village people


                              Grab a map...find the eastern most point in the US. Head north through the Saints....Stephen...then Andrew...then John. You've arrived.


                              (Saint John, New Brunswick is my guess...)





                                Grab a map...find the eastern most point in the US. Head north through the Saints....Stephen...then Andrew...then John. You've arrived.


                                (St. John, New Brunswick is my guess...)


                                Makes sense...mostly.  Except that the eastern most point in the USA is in the Aleutian Islands. Semisopochnoi, Alaska.