New To Running (Read 855 times)


    Im new to running outside of school and sports. My mile time is 8:22. I want to get it down to under 7 minutes but dont really know how to do that. Does anyone have any ideas on a workout plan to help me? Any suggestion are welcomed. Thanks

      You're going to hear this lots: 1) Show us your log. I think you can do this in the options at the upper right hand corner. Then we'll know what you're doing/have done. 2) Are you a guy, or a gal? 3) Run lots of miles, and your times will fall drastically. MTA: Run lots of miles (slowly) and build them up (slowly). If you pick up your mileage too fast, you'll end up getting hurt.

        Just need to put in the work/miles at the begining to build a base as the previous poster suggested. Good luck son and work hard.
          Lots of miles.
          2009 Goals:
          22:00 5k
          Run a half-marathon