Five Fingers might not be All That (Read 1427 times)


    Runners run

    "run" "2" "eat"

      wait... you mean to tell me people wear them for running?

      i find the sunshine beckons me to open up the gate and dream and dream ~~robbie williams



        Runners run

          Barefoot running, it's just not natural. Big grin


          If god had intended us to run barefoot [insert witty sentence ending].

          My Marathons and another interest Sports Photography


            Barefoot running, it's just not natural. Big grin


            If god had intended us to run barefoot [insert witty sentence ending].


            ... he wouldn't have put broken glass on the roads.

              "He said studies have shown that between 30 percent and 70 percent of all runners each year suffer a repetitive stress injury"


              That's a big range, (can I extrapolate it to say between 0 and 100%, as that's what my daughter is learning these days, rounding up/down)


               Also - Really?


                Barefoot running, it's just not natural. Big grin



                Running marathons on asphalt and cement, it's just not natural.


                No matter what's on your feet.

                The process is the goal.

                Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.


                  You don't need to run long with them, but they do help get your foot strick correct, and with trainning you start to get better with them on, and they work wonders.

                    "The truth, he said, is there have been no studies comparing injuries of shoe-clad runners with those unshod or running in minimal shoes."


                    Woo hoo!  No need to let any pesky facts get in the way of the rest of this thread.

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                    One day at a time

                      My son's physical therapist always wears Vibrams, and told him to get a pair.  So I got them for him last week and he wears them all the time.  His muscles have gotten so knotted up that he's in a lot of pain and is on crutches.  I'm hoping the Vibrams help some.  The PT told him, "You may be the tightest young man I've ever seen."  NOW the kid (18) tells me he's hurt since he was a HS sophomore, but thought that was normal!  Argh. He's gone from running at nationals to not even walking without help.



                      not bad for mile 25

                          You don't need to run long with them, but they do help get your foot strick correct, and with trainning you start to get better with them on, and they work wonders.


                          Sounds similar to what hill repeats do

                          Right on Hereford...

                            "The truth, he said, is there have been no studies comparing injuries of shoe-clad runners with those unshod or running in minimal shoes." 


                            No completed studies. I'm participating in a study right now that I believe is doing this comparison. So far I've reported one injury, a stone bruise that I thought occurred while running in New Balance Minimus shoes on a rocky trail. However, I've since re-evaluated and the injury may have been caused by improper body mechanics while sitting on a bar stool. You think I'm joking, but I'm not.

                              that article is so 2010.