Blizzard this morning (Read 741 times)



    Canada: land where they don't mess around when it comes to snow. LOVE the goggles on the kids! Big grin

    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

         ~ Sarah Kay

      You guys are CRAZY Shocked I'm in Australia and we've got summer on the way - it's going to be 29C (84F) tomorrow. THAT makes for a nice morning run! Big grin

      Go Pre!

        I was looking forward to another nice packed snow run this evening...BUT...most the snow removal here is so efficient that the roads are now the equivalent of post rainfall. I think the sidewalks will still yield a nice packed snow base. It is so nice and white still, but the sirty city grey snow mounds will soon line the streets Sad
          I would love to try a run on the snow Sad Looks pretty and peaceful, especially a trail run!
          Next up: A 50k in ? Done: California-Oregon-Arizona-Nevada (x2)-Wisconsin-Wyoming-Utah-Michigan-Colorado

          One day at a time

            <as for where to go from your area, i highly recommend heading over to twin brook or bradbury mountain and running on the trails. the snowmobilers haven't spent much time out on them yet, so the traffic has been a non-issue. you'll also build a lot of strength by running in the snow which will help you come spring. just be sure to give right of way to any skiers that are going by, and at twin brook you might want to stick to the north trails where the trails are not groomed quite as well. (also, be aware that pedestrians aren't allowed on most of the trails at pineland farms when there is snow down. the skate skiers move too fast on some of the turns and it isn't safe to be running on snowshoeing, so it provides a good reason for them to ban the slower folk. this also keeps the trails in better shape for the skiers.) thanks for the tips, blaine! i'm at twin brook a lot for my two sons' xc and soccer events, so i run there in the fall and spring, but i'd never thought about trying it in the winter. are there any flat trails at bradbury, or do you run up and down the main trail to the summit? i ran my scheduled 3 miles today - 15 degrees and very windy. i was quite proud of myself, because my running partner decided it was too cold for her to join me. for="" where="" to="" go="" from="" your="" area,="" i="" highly="" recommend="" heading="" over="" to="" twin="" brook="" or="" bradbury="" mountain="" and="" running="" on="" the="" trails.="" the="" snowmobilers="" haven't="" spent="" much="" time="" out="" on="" them="" yet,="" so="" the="" traffic="" has="" been="" a="" non-issue.="" you'll="" also="" build="" a="" lot="" of="" strength="" by="" running="" in="" the="" snow="" which="" will="" help="" you="" come="" spring.="" just="" be="" sure="" to="" give="" right="" of="" way="" to="" any="" skiers="" that="" are="" going="" by,="" and="" at="" twin="" brook="" you="" might="" want="" to="" stick="" to="" the="" north="" trails="" where="" the="" trails="" are="" not="" groomed="" quite="" as="" well.="" (also,="" be="" aware="" that="" pedestrians="" aren't="" allowed="" on="" most="" of="" the="" trails="" at="" pineland="" farms="" when="" there="" is="" snow="" down.="" the="" skate="" skiers="" move="" too="" fast="" on="" some="" of="" the="" turns="" and="" it="" isn't="" safe="" to="" be="" running="" on="" snowshoeing,="" so="" it="" provides="" a="" good="" reason="" for="" them="" to="" ban="" the="" slower="" folk.="" this="" also="" keeps="" the="" trails="" in="" better="" shape="" for="" the="" skiers.)="" thanks="" for="" the="" tips,="" blaine!="" i'm="" at="" twin="" brook="" a="" lot="" for="" my="" two="" sons'="" xc="" and="" soccer="" events,="" so="" i="" run="" there="" in="" the="" fall="" and="" spring,="" but="" i'd="" never="" thought="" about="" trying="" it="" in="" the="" winter.="" are="" there="" any="" flat="" trails="" at="" bradbury,="" or="" do="" you="" run="" up="" and="" down="" the="" main="" trail="" to="" the="" summit?="" i="" ran="" my="" scheduled="" 3="" miles="" today="" -="" 15="" degrees="" and="" very="" windy.="" i="" was="" quite="" proud="" of="" myself,="" because="" my="" running="" partner="" decided="" it="" was="" too="" cold="" for="" her="" to="" join="" me.=""></as for where to go from your area, i highly recommend heading over to twin brook or bradbury mountain and running on the trails. the snowmobilers haven't spent much time out on them yet, so the traffic has been a non-issue. you'll also build a lot of strength by running in the snow which will help you come spring. just be sure to give right of way to any skiers that are going by, and at twin brook you might want to stick to the north trails where the trails are not groomed quite as well. (also, be aware that pedestrians aren't allowed on most of the trails at pineland farms when there is snow down. the skate skiers move too fast on some of the turns and it isn't safe to be running on snowshoeing, so it provides a good reason for them to ban the slower folk. this also keeps the trails in better shape for the skiers.) thanks for the tips, blaine! i'm at twin brook a lot for my two sons' xc and soccer events, so i run there in the fall and spring, but i'd never thought about trying it in the winter. are there any flat trails at bradbury, or do you run up and down the main trail to the summit? i ran my scheduled 3 miles today - 15 degrees and very windy. i was quite proud of myself, because my running partner decided it was too cold for her to join me. >


              Are there any flat trails at Bradbury, or do you run up and down the main trail to the summit?
              If you want to know the truth, I have never run up the mountain yet. Every time that I have been there we have run on the trails across the street, which are relatively flat. After you park, you'll see signs that lead across route 9 to the "Knights Wood Trail" - you can follow that to the trails. You can download a trail map for the Bradbury Bruiser 12 miler, and just pick and choose a few trails from off of there.

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