2019 3:20, And Beyond (Read 444 times)


Mother of Cats

    This is more the strategy I take. Zero calories before/during any run except if I'm specifically testing nutrition, but then I'll use gels in the race.


    I sorta split it.  For my mid-week yoga double (8 miles, then yoga, then 4) I'll eat breakfast before, but nothing during.  [I can NOT run on an empty stomach.  Just can't.]


    But...for my weekend long runs, I take nutrition during them if I'm training for a marathon, to practice taking a gel while running.

    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


      rlk:  Ha, Cliz was the first person I thought of when I read Dwave's comment about gels.  Wasn't it 20-something in a marathon?  But I know he was a big guy (6' 6" ?), so I suppose calories are relative to size.


      When I was running high mileage, I found that taking a gel or two during a MLR or LR seemed to help recovery for the next day.  I never wanted to get too depleted.  And like Dwave, I can't run on an empty stomach, either.


        kcam- people ran marathons off of nothing back in the day, so sometimes i wonder if we've all been subject to a marketing scam and we don't actually need it Wink

        All we need to know is what the Pros do - and they eat and drink their magic potions, so, it works.

        I, personally, am an old curmudgeon whose motto is "GET OFF MY LAWN!".  Not only do I not 'hydrate' or 'fuel', I also wear the race shirt at the race.  😋

        Running Problem

        Problem Child

          Leprechaun chase. They send a local FAST stunner to pass people along the course 1-2 minutes after the last person (Waller’s included) cross the start line. If you don’t get passed you earn a pint glass. RB aid basing training off last years ‘pint pace’ As I call it. I’m tempted to go for a sub 20 but also tempted to push NeRP through a race which could be pint pace and help the buddy a little. He REALLY wants a glass. I remember my first and said he will want a pair or he could have one of mine if we didn’t have to run 7:30 today.


          Workouts...uh marathon training? 400s-1,200s so far. Tomorrow is apparently 7 miles at 10 seconds faster than goal marathon pace. It will be cold and dark. Marathon training sucks but this 5k training is bullchit.


          Brew: What's the 5k in March? What's the goal? I'm also targeting a March 5k... so far I've done one workout 💪😂 (5x1000). What kind of workouts/plan are you on (if any)?




          Rlk: why am i NOT surprised you’ve met him. How about Catra corbett, or is she more max’s Type.

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


          pie man

            Brew - Mary Cain holds just about every US high school/Junior record from 800-2 mile mile.  She was an absolute sensation about 5 years ago until Alberto broke her.  Think Jordan Hasay but without the happy ending.  Actually, maybe think Jordan Hasay’s pro track career.  And she happened to be from Rovatti’s (current) neck of the woods.


            Coincidentally I picked the track cause it didn’t seem to require jumping a fence (or chasing away high schoolers).  But I got something done so that’s all that’s matters.

            11:11 3,000 (recent)


              Brew: That Leprechaun Chase sounds like fun!  Do they do just one chaser or multiple for different divisions?


              I typically only eat on training runs if it is going to be longer than 100 minutes of running. I agree with OMR, that it can help in an MLR too. I typically only eat before morning runs if I have something longer than 8 miles or a tough workout, otherwise just a few ounces of water then out the door.  For me it's more about what not to eat. I can't do dairy anywhere close to a run, but that's about it.


              Had a progression run on Tuesday that highlighted my "out-of-shapeness". Just for comparison and because charts are fun.


              date 1/22/19 12/25/18
              workout 8 mile progression 10 mile progression + 2 mile cool down
              avg pace 7:22 7:15
              fastest mile 6:28 5:54
              avg HR 158 154

              Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)



                Interesting discussion on nutrition.  Responses are all over the range.  I think I will target 4-5 gels on my next marathon, (did I just say next one, where is Max to talk some sense into me), or stay with 2-3 alternating with a sports drink with calories.


                Speaking of gels, they were Science In Sports gels.  The first one shocked me.  Kind of a watery gel with beads.  Hard to explain like a chia squeeze or tapioca.  Went down easy with no water.  Kind of bulky though, I wouldn't want to carry very many of them.  I will try them again.


                Recovery is going well.  Keeping the runs to my daily 5k minimum.  Getting my legs back but HR is still elevated.

                12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place



                Running Problem

                Problem Child

                  Brew: That Leprechaun Chase sounds like fun!  Do they do just one chaser or multiple for different divisions?


                  Everyone starts at once. They have signs for self seeding based on pace, then joggers (I think) then strollers and walkers. One chaser starts (I think) 1 minute after the last person crosses the start line. 2018 this gave the people at the front of the race about a 2:15 head start. I think she ran sub 6:00 for the whole thing but her clock time was in the 21:35 neighborhood. Slower than the previous leprechaun (6'2 male doing probably 5:20 pace) who I beat three times and all three were a "oh sheet here he comes!" moment.They hand out pint glasses that say "I beat the leprechaune" when you cross the finish line. Last year EVERYONE was given a plastic cup at packet pickup. I'm sure it's because people WANT that pint glass but realize how HARD it is to earn after the first year. I think this is the 6th or 7th year and the first year or two I knew people who did it and commented on how fast they were passed. If you're running an 8:00/mi I can imagine the crushing feeling getting passed around mile 2 of a 5K. There is a nice little 100m hill RIGHT before the 50-ish meter (memory not measurement) dash to the finish.


                  poj ah so she was a test experiment for the great coach of the perscriptions. Sucks for her. Hopefully she doesn't hold grudges. I had a grandparent who blamed a coach for my cousin's bad knees. My cousin says "Nope. I got in the pool and swam. I knew the consequences." but we aren't elites.


                  beryl my RB uses those gels. Now that I see they're used for the RNR series I might know why he uses them. I told him to practice with what he trains with. He said he might pick up gels during the race to keep for later or emergency. I laughed and told him "yeah a $150 race is a great spot to pick up $2 gels." I plan to use race day nutrition so I'm going to test out honey stingers more so I don't have to carry stuff. When I ran Chicago in 2018 I had to carry my gels since they offer nothing before mile 13. Gatorade gels aren't available locally and going into the race I had to buy them at the expo. For CIM they use GU which I can buy locally. Much easier to train with even with online shopping.


                  I haven't eaten on a long run in a LONG time. I was PLANNING to practice race day nutrition during long runs but sticking with my RB doing 9:00 or slower I don't need anything. I'll give it a shot today during the workout. 7 mile tempo. I thought it was only supposed to be 6. blah blah marathon training.

                  Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                  VDOT 53.37 

                  5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                    Brew - Mary Cain holds just about every US high school/Junior record from 800-2 mile mile.  She was an absolute sensation ...  And she happened to be from Rovatti’s (current) neck of the woods.


                    During her hot streak, I used to start a new thread every time she broke a record... (some with catchy NYPost-style headers like "Cain was Abel !!!".    After about 5 such threads, some RWOL posters pointed out that a 50something yo man showing such keen interest  in a high school girl was a bit unseemly.  My wife caught wind and put the kibosh on all of this with a cease-and-desist order.


                    Cobra Commander Keen

                      Brew - I remember reading your Leprechaun Chase RR last year - it still sounds like an awesome idea. Maybe your buddy should bribe some walker to really drag their feet getting across the start line.
                      7 at 10 sec/mi faster than GMP sounds like a really solid workout.

                      Ace - It's no fun being out of shape, is it?? I"m right there with you. Those runs aren't too far apart, so you'll probably come back pretty quickly.

                      Rovatti - Your whole last post gave me a good chuckle.

                      5k: 17:58 11/22 â”‚ 10k: 37:55 9/21 â”‚ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 â”‚ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                      Upcoming Races:




                      Running Problem

                      Problem Child

                        Brew - I remember reading your Leprechaun Chase RR last year - it still sounds like an awesome idea. Maybe your buddy should bribe some walker to really drag their feet getting across the start line.
                        7 at 10 sec/mi faster than GMP sounds like a really solid workout.



                         a DIFFERENT RB was saying exactly this. "How much of a head start do we get? Okay so if I sign my wife up I'd need to calculate how long she needs to walk to cross the start line so I need a head start." Second option is to train for a 21:00 5K. I tell him "well if not a lot of people show up even a 3 minute head start isn't going to be enough." to which he goes back to "yeah so I need to know how much of a head start I need." IT (The idea of having someone walk slow so you "earn" a pint glass) is annoying as FAWK. More than marathon training.


                        The race organizer donates up to $5,000 towards the Children's Discovery Museum, you get free entry and other local businesses have some deals like a free beer or something.


                        This isn't going to be fun...but maybe I'll surprise myself like every other time. The last time I did it was 2016 and 7:22 pace was GMP. I read the workout wrong back then. I thought it was 10 seconds SLOWER. The Magic of CIM came through that year.


                        rov I have a group text with my 9th and 10th grade nieces. They live on your half of the world. My wife has mentioned it bothering her because of a 20+ age difference.

                        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                        VDOT 53.37 

                        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                        pie man

                          Kostanze Klosterhalfen is back baby!


                          Sad thing with Mary Cain was she was 1:59/4:04 before she even went to NOP.  Probably top 3 in the us in each event as a high schooler.

                          11:11 3,000 (recent)

                            my week:

                            M: 6 easy + weights

                            T: 6 with intervals (12x400@1:26)

                            W: rd

                            Th: 6 easy + weights

                            F: 9 easy

                            S: 6 easy + weights

                            S: spin


                            total = 33


                            Hey to everybody!


                            Mother of Cats

                              Spiffy set of 400s, Rovatti.  btw - I'm coming up your way on Sunday for the Gridiron 4 Miler.


                              Re: Mary Cain - I'm not sure that it was the NOP that destroyed her as much as running very fast with a teenager's body, and then maturing.


                              My week ended better than it began: 58 miles, 16 "miles" pool-running, and other stuff. Woo.


                              M: Yoga and 8 "miles" pool-running
                              T: 10 miles, including 4x1200 on the track in 4:45, 4:58, 4:52, 4:49.  Also leg strengthwork and 1000 yards recovery swimming.
                              W: 8 miles very easy (9:06), yoga, and another 4 miles very easy (8:52) plus drills/strides
                              Th: upper body weights/core and 8 "miles" pool-running.
                              F: 12 miles, including 6400m tempo on the track in 26:13 (6:41/6:33/6:35/6:25).  Also 6 eight second hill sprints, leg strengthwork, and 1000 yards recovery swimming.
                              Sa: 10 miles very easy (8:30) plus drills/strides, and then upper body weights/core. 
                              Su: 14 miles - first 4 very easy (8:36), next 5 moderate (7:31), last 5 at marathon effort (6:50).  Also leg strengthwork and 1000 yards recovery swimming.


                              Wore the Takumi Sen 3's for the long run, and they felt good for the marathon pace stuff, and awkward at easy pace.  Funny thing is that I bought those as a replacement for my original Takumi Sens.  I wear the originals for mile races and 5Ks, but version 3 feels awful for speedwork, and totally fine for marathon pace work and long runs.  Weird.

                              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                                My week...


                                M:  10 @ 10:06 w/some 4% incline stuff

                                T:  5 @ 8:55, w/some stuff that almost looked like HR tempo effort, confirming that I am pathetically slow

                                W:  5 @ 9:48

                                T:  10 @ 10:15, w/some 3% incline stuff

                                F:  5 @ 9:23

                                S:  7 @ 9:04

                                S:  18 @ 11:04 - a simulation run of the first 18M of the OP 50M...2500' of elevation gain, .7M of it at 21%.  Ugh.


                                Total:  60.