RR - Disneyworld Marathon (or: Trent is right) (Read 680 times)

Queen of 3rd Place

    Ack - maybe I shouldn't have said that, no telling HOW big his head will get nowWink DO go: if you want to have a total blast. I was surprised how much entertaintment there was on the course, particularly after hearing people complain about some of the stretches between parks. I kept finding myself thinking, "Oh, are we *here* already?". if you don't want to think about anything or are worried about what to do on Marathon day. Good if you're a newbie to large races! If you are down to a single remaining neuron as I am, not to worry; at every turn there is someone to direct you. if you are worried that you'll be slow. I ran in just under 5 hours, and was mid-pack. if you need to ditch your family and want them to be entertained while you run. if you have deep pockets. Between registration, hotel, park passes for family members etc., this was a jaw-clenchingly expensive experience. Disney provides us with a shining example of capitalism at its best. DON'T go if you want to get a PR. I could have run this much faster, but there were consistent crowds that I simply didn't want to fight through. Might have been better in the faster corrals, but I kind of doubt it. if you hate humidity. Being from left coast, I really noticed it. ... Anyway, it was a hoot. My plan was to go really slow, as I was a first-time marathoner, and the crowds kept me honest. I felt stronger as the miles passed, had a negative split, and could have run 5 more miles by the end of it all. It occurred to me that I'm some sort of succubus, gaining strength as others lose theirs, because people around me kept looking worse and worse at seemingly the same rate that I kept feeling better and better. By the way, thanks to everyone around here - so much good advice, this was all easy...almost too easy. Makes me think I'll suffer next time around! Arla

    Ex runner

    Queen of 3rd Place

      Sorry - posted before I was done. Arla

      Ex runner


        It occurred to me that I'm some sort of succubus
        HELLO. My name is Robert.


        All business

          "What are you afraid of, failure? So am I. "


          Queen of 3rd Place

            HELLO. My name is Robert.
            Surprised Arla

            Ex runner

              Nicely done Arla. Congratulations. Now, enjoy this one and rest up.
              Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
                Congrats Arla, Your consistent and dedicated training is what got you there, is what made you have a great race, is what made you feel like you could have gone faster, is what made you feel like you could have gone farther. It's all about smart training, not get injuried and really being consistent. Looks like you nailed it on the head! Way to go......Julie
                But in the end, I'm more afraid of not trying, than failing. JJJessee

                flatland mountaineer

                  Nice Job Arla!! From training to race day you did it right!

                  The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

                  Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

                  Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

                    Congratulations, Arla!!! (I'm still throwin' Avenue of the Giants out there. Just sayin' . . . . pertty course and, best of you, you'd get to meet me! Big grin )

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    Mitch & Pete's Mom

                      Congrats on the marathon! And that is good information regarding the race. Can't wait to hear what your follow up marathon is. Left-coaster huh? SD-R&R is May 31. I'm in, so is "HELLO My Name is Robert"
                      Carlsbad 1/2 marathon 1/26.

                      Top 'O the World!

                        WOO-HOO!!!! CONGRATULATIONS ARLA!!!! LOL ref Succubus....Big grin (sorry it took me sooo long to get online & read about it! Was definitely thinkin' aboutcha & sending well wishes/good vibes! Wink ) Cindy
                        Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group