$50 Banditos... a steal. (Read 744 times)



    they have lots of sizes available.  use this 10% discount through the Younger Legs for Older Runners page.  I like this shoe. 






      Just found a pair of Kinsei for $50 in the outlet around the corner from my work and bought them on impulse. The postage machine here at work tells me they are 2.6 oz more than my Cumulus. Each! I'm sure the "Propulsion Trusstic" is just a gimmick. At least I got a "deal" but, probably, what I really "needed" was a just a pair of Banditos. Next time.

        I think that discount excludes Asics shoes. It's still a pretty good deal though.


        If you like the Asics Bandito then you should check out the Asics Tarther - a relatively new shoe (in the US at least) that, like the Bandito is a lightweight trainer. However it's lighter, comfier and roomier in the forefoot than the Bandito. No contest for me - I just realized I haven't even worn my Bandito's since getting the Tarthers. I don't know where you can get the Tarther's for $50 though. $75 from running Warehouse or $90 from East Bay with 20% off if you buy something else to get over $99.


        No, I don't work for Asics or any of these companies! Just promoting a shoe I really like that, for me at least, has superseded the Bandito.



        Goal: Age grade over 80% on a certified course.

          You are right John.  I bought 2 pair but didn't get the discount on the Banditos.  They were still 50 bucks though, and with free shipping on my order it was a good deal.  Usually when they knock them down this low it's because they only have a size 13 and a size 7 left on the shelf.


          And thanks for the tip on the Tarther.  I'll look for it next year.  I tend to be a year behind the curve.  But I guess I have to be if I'm buying sale shoes. 





            NR is right, the clickthrough discounts don't apply to Asics.  For future reference, you can bump your RW discount up to 15% via the link on their Facebook page.  Not a big deal, but every little bit helps.

            As for the Tarther, Nobby has mentioned it as a Marathon favorite because of the relatively firm cushioning.  Puts more of the pushoff into your stride with less devoted to compressing the midsole.

            Greater Lowell Road Runners
            Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

            May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.