RA Movie Thread (Read 5918 times)


    Got a chance to catch up on some movies recently.


    1. "End of watch" is OK.


    2. "Carnage" was a lot of fun for me. Only 4 characters with very sharp dialog.


    3. "The Wrestler" came out a few years ago, and I finally got a chance to see it. Looks like an independent film, but with strong performances by Mickey Rourke and (surprisingly) Marisa Tomei. It was mostly drama, but I enjoyed the "behind the scenes" conversations between the wrestlers.


    4. "Skyfall". Not a huge James Bond fan, but I've enjoyed some of the movies. This one has its good and bad moments, but overall, I thought it was weak.


    Interval Junkie --Nobby

      . . . and (surprisingly) Marisa Tomei.


      Uhm, which role did you see her in that wasn't scene-stealingly perfect?  Girl's got range.

      2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do



        Uhm, which role did you see her in that wasn't scene-stealingly perfect?  Girl's got range.


        I think she's a fine actress. I just don't recall any memorable movies or roles for her (other than "My Cousin Vinny").



          I think she's a fine actress. I just don't recall any memorable movies or roles for her (other than "My Cousin Vinny").


          And she was brilliant in that Seinfeld episode.


          god hates us all


            My hesitation with Life of Pi is that I can't decide if I want to try to wait until I've read the book.  Which wouldn't be a problem, except that, in spite of the MANY ringing endorsements I've heard and seen, I just can't get excited about reading/listening to it.

            I watched with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised.  It made me want to read the book.


              Last night, I revisited my all-time favorite war movie, Army of Shadows.


              Army of Shadows is a 1969 French movie about the French Resistance during WWII.   It's not the cheeriest movie in the world, but it is one of the coolest espionage flicks ever, and it's based on real accounts.  It's one of the most patriotic movies ever made, with its story about Resistance operatives who know that their chances of survival are slim to none, but who still go the full nine yards for their country.


              I'm a big fan of Jean-Pierre Melville, and three of his movies (Le Samourai, Army of Shadows, and Le Cercle Rouge) are in my all-time top ten.


              Find Army of Shadows on Netflix or Hulu, forget that you're reading subtitles, and just dive in.

              You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  



                We watched the new Red Dawn last night.  It is a slight improvement over the original but only marginally so.  I still can't help but thinking this is "training video" for a portion of the US population that lie awake at night dreaming of the next "invasion."  Kill a commie for my mommie type of thing.

                You people have issues 


                  And she was brilliant in that Seinfeld episode.


                  Down and Out in Beverly Hills.  She even takes off her shirt.  (twice!)

                  - Anya


                  Proboscis Colossus


                    Down and Out in Beverly Hills.  She even takes off her shirt.  (twice!)


                    Seen The Wrestler yet?

                    "God guides us on our journey, but careful with those feet." - David Lee Roth, of all people

                    god hates us all

                        The Campaign - Marty's sit-down 'truth' session with his family was the funniest scene in this funny flick (3.3/5)


                        Despicable Me - brill.  you can't help but empathize with Gru, his minions & the cookie sellers.  looking forward to this Summer's sequel (4.1/5)

                        My leg won't stop mooing.


                        i think i've got a calf injury.


                          Watched Killing Them Softly last night.  Was a very harsh, violent movie.  This might have been one of my least favorite Brad Pitt movies although his acting was acceptable.  I didn't hate this movie, nor did I really like it--- it kept my interest without being entertaining.   Several of you mentioned The Wrestler.  Well this movie was like that in a way.  It captures the gritty, ugly nature of organized crime with few lighter moments.  Way too dark for my tastes.


                          "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                            The Campaign - Marty's sit-down 'truth' session with his family was the funniest scene in this funny flick (3.3/5)



                            I thought that movie was going to just be dumb, but it was hilarious. At some point I am going to get sick of Zach Galifianakis, because he plays the same character every time, but hasn't happened yet. He was also a riot in Due Date, with Robert Downey Jr. It was roughly a remake of Planes, Trains & Automobiles, with Zach G in the John Candy role.



                              Watched Killing Them Softly last night.  Was a very harsh, violent movie.  This might have been one of my least favorite Brad Pitt movies although his acting was acceptable.  I didn't hate this movie, nor did I really like it--- it kept my interest without being entertaining.   Several of you mentioned The Wrestler.  Well this movie was like that in a way.  It captures the gritty, ugly nature of organized crime with few lighter moments.  Way too dark for my tastes.


                              I watched "killing them softly" recently as well. I probably enjoyed it more than the average viewer. It was funny to see the same actors recycled in these mob stories. I didn't care for all the presidential speeches. They were ok for background info, but very weak to make any sort of point. And the thing is, the story is rather simple and without much of a point (IMO).


                              Interval Junkie --Nobby

                                Perfect Sense - Billed as a "scifi movie" but the only difference is a future plague that first robs people of their sense of smell.  It's a romantic drama with Ewan McGreggor as lead.  Unfortunately for his character, but fun for the drama of the movie, he plays a chef when this all goes down.  He falls in love with a woman studying the plague -- who has her own romantic issues.  It's a very well done move.  I'd like to tell you where it goes to entice you more, but the spoiler will probably affect your enjoyment.  If you like the way plagues affect society, and if the global absence of scent intrigues you, then this is the movie for you.  4/5.

                                2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do