Can old shoes cause Planter Fasciitis? (Read 509 times)

george nesrallah

    Hi all. Just wondering if having worn out runners can cause this? I have had it in the past however not for the past 5-6 years. And I am noticing the pain is almost non-existant without my shoes but with them I have to let my mind take me to a happy place to ignore how painful it is (when I run). Although it hurts even walking in them as well (to give some kind of reference point, I have to limp when I walk wearing them). I am going to get a new pair tomorrow morningfrom a store that specializes in competitive running, and the staff are all quite knowledgeable. Anyway (to make my extremely long winded post make some sense) just wondering if worn shoes can bring the problems back. Thanks

    Menace to Sobriety

      If you have PF, you have it. It really doesn't go away when you take your shoes off, although the pain may be less or more noticable at various times. Mine always hurt like hell when I first got up in the AM, but was generally bearable most other times. I think the pain you're experiencing is from the worn out shoes, but probably not PF.

      Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.


      Good Bad & The Monkey

        Can old shoes cause Planter Fasciitis?
        Absolutely. So too can new shoes if they are the wrong shoes for you.
        george nesrallah

          I picked up a great pair of shoes this morning after talking with an extremely knowledgeable sales person (also happens to be a personal friend so I trusted what he said). I went running and I had extremely limited pain where I have been getting pain for a while now on the bottom of my left foot. Also the hip pain I have had since beginning running was not there today. It was one of the first times in a good while where my body felt ready and good to run. Now, I realize this is only one workout and the new shoes may have nothing to do with such a good workout but I have a feeling that's what is working. The lesson learned (for me anyway) is before rushing off to sports medicine doctors, buying orthotics, going to a chirporactor (although I do believe in this), etc...simply buy a new pair of shoes fitted for your feet and see if this does the trick. Take care.