2018 Boston Marathon Thread (Read 554 times)



    OK you got me there. Apparently about 1,000,000 vs. 500,000.


    Again, it's a different type of race.  NYCM is all city so you can easily have a million spectators (with the exception of the bridges).  But, Boston starts in the "suburbs" so there are fewer people in the early miles and most of the crowds are after Heartbreak.  So, it just irks me when people talk about the Boston crowds being the "best".  Granted, there aren't clear criteria for these things but I was just talking about numbers because as a runner, that's what I notice for the most part.  How many people are yelling, "You got this!"

    Seattle prattle


      Have you been lured into running 2019?  I think you have...


      Two pertinent facts for you: FIrst, i missed a boston qualifier by one minute. Second, i feel relieved about that.

        Joann, CARA will have a hotel and a discount.   They also have a charter bus to the start for $75.   No brainer since it stays until corrals load.


        When is the right time to book a hotel? And which one?

        Joann Y

          Joann, CARA will have a hotel and a discount.   They also have a charter bus to the start for $75.   No brainer since it stays until corrals load.




          That is great to hear. I am a member but how do I find out details on the hotel and bus? Website?


          MTA: Found it. Now to figure out when they will open up reservations. Thanks, michaelmarty! This makes things so much easier!



            Two pertinent facts for you: FIrst, i missed a boston qualifier by one minute. Second, i feel relieved about that.


            Don't you have until September to qualify?  Wink


            Mother of Cats

              Joann, CARA will have a hotel and a discount.   They also have a charter bus to the start for $75.   No brainer since it stays until corrals load.



              OMG.  Can non-locals join CARA?  I would totally join for that option alone.

              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

              Anonymous Guest

                  How many people are yelling, "You got this!"


                You say that like it's a good thing .

                I think I was just oversold when it came to NYCM. For years people telling me how amazing the crowds were, and after emotional crowd-packed 2014 Boston, I expected more from NYC in 2015 than what I experienced. I'm sure there were more people in NYC than at Boston, but it didn't affect me the same way. And really, it's all about me....

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel


                  So, it just irks me when people talk about the Boston crowds being the "best".  Granted, there aren't clear criteria for these things but I was just talking about numbers because as a runner, that's what I notice for the most part.  How many people are yelling, "You got this!"


                  Oh. Well if we are talking about the "best" crowds, not just the largest, again, it's Boston hands-down IMO. The factors I mentioned above count there. You can feel the support and the connection. Granted I've only run NY once, but I got nothing like the intensity I get at Boston.


                  But yes, there aren't clear criteria, and the support you feel is by definition pretty subjective.

                  Joann Y


                    OMG.  Can non-locals join CARA?  I would totally join for that option alone.


                    I don't see anywhere that says you can't!


                    not bad for mile 25

                      Simmer down, y'all. I did both marathons, and they're both great in their own ways.  And,


                      How many people are yelling, "You got this!"


                      Spectator Admits She Not Really Sure Marathoners Got This


                        Spectator Admits She Not Really Sure Marathoners Got This


                        "He knows he doesn't got this," she said. "He knows it's no secret that he doesn't got this. For me to tell him, then, that he has got this is just twisting the knife, isn't it?"


                        Ah, my first Boston.


                          The most memorable signs during the race for me were at Wellesley.


                          Very appropriate for the conditions: "Kiss me, I'm WET".


                          Probably a standard sign from year to year but new to me: "Free wine tasting... In my mouth!"


                          And almost guaranteed a standard from year to year: "Kiss me, You're running out of options!" Held by the last girl along the rail.


                          I had actually gotten permission from my wife to kiss a girl at Wellesley, but when it came down to the moment, the nice open crown of the road had more appeal than the congestion of the runners along the rail looking for a kiss.


                          Maybe that's something I can change if I run again in a few years.

                          Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                          Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                            Very appropriate for the conditions: "Kiss me, I'm WET".



                            Yep I counted three of those. :-)


                            Are we there, yet?

                              The most memorable signs during the race for me were at Wellesley.


                              Very appropriate for the conditions: "Kiss me, I'm WET".


                              Probably a standard sign from year to year but new to me: "Free wine tasting... In my mouth!"


                              And almost guaranteed a standard from year to year: "Kiss me, You're running out of options!" Held by the last girl along the rail.


                              I had actually gotten permission from my wife to kiss a girl at Wellesley, but when it came down to the moment, the nice open crown of the road had more appeal than the congestion of the runners along the rail looking for a kiss.


                              Maybe that's something I can change if I run again in a few years.


                              The sign I remember best is "Soft Shoulders Ahead".

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                                I heard people yelling "You got this!" in mile one or two. At that point, nobody was struggling. I know it was meant to be encouraging, but somehow it just sounded ridiculous.