bib numbers (Read 315 times)

    I had a very cool bib number today: 6396. Am I the only person who gets bizarrely excited about bib numbers? I think this one is right up there with 666 and 767 on my all time list of best numbers I've had.


    aaaand now that I just typed that out, I kind of can't believe I am 38 and still having these thoughts, as it sounds like the inner monologue of a seriously dorky 13 year old, so apparently I haven't changed much in the last 25 years. Help me out here, anyone else a bib number fan? Are you jealous of 6396 or what??


    Break on through

      I was excited to get bib number 001, when it happened once.

      "Not to touch the Earth, not to see the Sun, nothing left to do but run, run, run..."

      Latent Runner

        Yeah, I'm a bib number geek as well, and given that I'm 19 years older than you, I guess I'm even dorkier that that 13 year old.  Smile


        FWIW, my favorite bib number was 340 (my favorite small-block Chrysler motor from the 1960s and 1970s); yeah, I'm a car geek as well.  Surprised

        Fat old man PRs:

        • 1-mile (point to point, gravity assist): 5:50
        • 2-mile: 13:49
        • 5K (gravity assist last mile): 21:31
        • 5-Mile: 37:24
        • 10K (first 10K of my Half Marathon): 48:16
        • 10-Mile (first 10 miles of my Half Marathon): 1:17:40
        • Half Marathon: 1:42:13

        running metalhead

          Got a number 13 once. Not a bad run, not my best but not bad.

          - Egmond ( 14 januari )            :  1:41:40 (21K)
          - Vondelparkloop ( 20 januari ) :  0:58.1 (10K but did 13.44!!!)
          - Twiskemolenloop ( 4 maart )  :   1:35:19 (3th M45!)

          - Ekiden Zwolle (10K)   ( 25 maart )
          - Rotterdam Marathon ( 8 april )
          - Leiden Marathon Halve ( 27 mei )
          - Marathon Amersfoort ( 10 juni)

            For my very first race, a 5k, I got #1. Last weekend at a half marathon, my running partner was #69. Between us & both of our husbands, I was impressed with how few derogatory comments were made!


              Make it so, #1.



                  My very first half marathon I got bib #1.




                  Still one of may favorite running pictures

                  5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                  10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                  HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                  FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18


                  Roses Revenge

                    I had number 58 in a half marathon several years ago.  My Half Fanatic number is 58.

                    Marathon Maniac #991 Half Fanatic #58 Double Agent #22  It's a perfect day and I feel great!


                    delicate flower

                      My favorite so far was #1918.


                      Go Red Sox.


                        I had number 58 in a half marathon several years ago.  My Half Fanatic number is 58.


                        I got 350 for a bib number in a half marathon in 2012. Also my Half Fanatic number. I remember being very excited.


                          I just had 2112. And I HATE Rush.



                          Options,Account, Forums

                            Where's Trent with #-1?

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                              All right, fine.  I'll be the one to ask: What's so special about 6396?


                                I just had 2112. And I HATE Rush.


                                Imagine if you got 123!
