Knee Flab - What is that? I don't know either (Read 1592 times)

Certainly Something...

    Yesterday after my two mile my knee felt a little numb. Like I had managed to stretch it out somewhat. It doesn't feel bad today, didn't hurt at all during the run or after. I think I might have just managed to find some muscles my knee had forgotten about after running 4 miles the night before. That little patch of skin directly below/partially on my knee cap also appeared to be sticking out more than usual, and was noticeable compared to the other one. My knee wasn't swollen, just that one patch of skin directly at the bottom of the knee cap. Either way I'm taking today off, but I was wondering if I had just stretched some tendons there or what you guys think might cause such a bizarre thing. Just posting to make sure I don't ignore a bad sign. I'm not fat by any means, 6' 2", 204 lbs. I think I've actually gained about 10 lbs from running. So my right leg isn't just extremely chubby. Edit: It is a tad uncomfortable to walk on today. Edit 2: I guess this just doesn't happen to other people. Stretching tonight, see how it goes tomorrow. Thanks for reading.
      Wish I could help, but that's not only something I've never experienced, but in several years of running, I've never heard of it either. Sorry! When all else fails, consult a doctor.
        Dang! I was going to have a go at it but got beaten...!!!
        ...That little patch of skin directly below/partially on my knee cap also appeared to be sticking out more than usual, and was noticeable compared to the other one. My knee wasn't swollen, just that one patch of skin directly at the bottom of the knee cap...
        To be honest with you, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to explain... Your description isn't as clear. There aren't too many "muscles" around your knee; in fact, as big of a joint as knee is, it is supported by only a few small muscles and, therefore, knee is quite unstable. If what you are explaining is actually "hard", it could be some calcium deposite right underneath the kneecap. This is where a group of tendons from your quads come down and over the knee cap and attach to the bone. If that's what's sticking out, it's a small calcium deposite. It's quite common because you use your quads so much. Ice massage is a common treatment for that but it can be quite painful. Even Salazar had to take some time off and forced to do some cross training while in college. But that's not a "flab", but more like a "knob" (Knobby knee... ;o)).
        ...It doesn't feel bad today, didn't hurt at all during the run or after...It is a tad uncomfortable to walk on today...
        If you're new to running, some aches and pains can be expected. What you need to determine is; whether the pain gets worse as you continue to run or it eases as your body warms up; whether it's a sharp pain that you can pinpoint or just general dull soreness. If it's just a "skin flab that sticks out" and it "doesn't necessarily feel pain", I wouldn't worry too much about it. I have some "flab" around my waist that actually affects my running adversely (;o)) but it doesn't hurt so I won't worry too much about it! If it worries you; I'd suggest you seek professional help instead of some internet advice from strangers. I would hate to say "it's nothing" simply because it doesn't hurt you when you run and it turns out to be tumor or something!

        Certainly Something...

          It's probably some tendon that connects to the bottom of the knee cap. It still feels a little different. By skin sticking out, I mean localized swelling. Probably the entire area is about the size of the bottom of a pop can. It still feels a bit numb today. Nothing around it was swollen at all. I shall just merge with the infinite and go run easy on it.
            If it IS swelling, and not just flab of skin, you should ice it. There might possibly be some fluid build-up inside the knee and you should definitely seek professional help for that. If you want to contiue working out, and if you have an access to NordicTrack XC skiing machine, that might be the best one for knee problem. I personally found even cycling COULD aggrevate your knee, depending on the angle. By the way, "a flab of skin hanging out" and "swelling" are quite different. I found that, on the message board like this, many people can't really explain what they have or how it is and the readers can't really identify but tend to jump to conclusion based on "similar" symptoms that we have had before and, consequently, sometimes might prescribe something that coule possibly hurt you further. So be very careful. This might be cheaper than going to see the doctor but the consequent could be more costly in the end.