Trail running query re: mosquitos (Read 641 times)


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    Our church camp was so bad.... that the horseflies would land on our heads in such numbers that several kids were pushed underwater by the weight of horseflies and the coast guard had to pull them up...

    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

    an amazing likeness

      Perhaps you've not yet heard of the blue-plastic-cup protection from horseflies and deer flies?





      (with credit to Run2Win for the reference)

      Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


        Deerflies are king of the forest here too,but not until the latter part of the summer. We have greenhead flies by the shore but they generally fly solo. Not the deerflies.They swarm and attack just behind your head so you can't see them. I had to take refuge in a bathroom at Cheesequake St Park last year.Got up enough nerve and hauled ass as fast as I could to the car,which wasn't close. Some parks/woods are going to be off-limits for me this season.









          Our church camp was so bad.... that the horseflies would land on our heads in such numbers that several kids were pushed underwater by the weight of horseflies and the coast guard had to pull them up...

           I think this is your camp:

          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

               ~ Sarah Kay

          Prince of Fatness

            Deerflies are king of the forest here too,but not until the latter part of the summer. We have greenhead flies by the shore but they generally fly solo. Not the deerflies.They swarm and attack just behind your head so you can't see them. I had to take refuge in a bathroom at Cheesequake St Park last year.Got up enough nerve and hauled ass as fast as I could to the car,which wasn't close. Some parks/woods are going to be off-limits for me this season.

             Damn those biting flies down at the shore are nasty.  One year I was vacationing down there (LBI) and the wind was coming off of the bay the whole week.  It was like ringing the dinner bell for those little pricks.  I barely saw the ocean that week, but I had plenty of beer so it wasn't that bad.

            Not at it at all. 


              Posted same time MT.That  contraption looks interesting.I think a hat surrounded by screen might be better.








              Options,Account, Forums

                 I think this is your camp:



                and this

                It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                   Damn those biting flies down at the shore are nasty.  One year I was vacationing down there (LBI) and the wind was coming off of the bay the whole week.  It was like ringing the dinner bell for those little pricks.  I barely saw the ocean that week, but I had plenty of beer so it wasn't that bad.

                   So it was fun,that's good .I would windsurf on Barneget Bay and the big headed bastards would land right between my shoulder blades where it's impossible to swat them, and suck a pint of my blood.








                    When I was a kid in the 70s my Dad sprayed the yard with DDT before a party we were having.  We didn't have any bugs or birds for that matter in our yard for awhile!  Ah the good old days! 


                    MM #2929





                      and this

                      Ha, that is one of my all-time favorite 'shop jobs. Big grin

                      But I don't much care for the sound of the CG helis.  Living near an inland lake and Lake MI we hear them a lot.  The sound always gives me chills.  2 times in recent memory the helicopter has been called down to search for lost fisherman.  One case involved a young guy who had a seizure or something and fell from the boat into relatively shallow, but murky water.  They didn't find his body for days.  We saw and heard that copter for hours.  Every time I hear it now it creeps me out.

                      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                           ~ Sarah Kay



                        When I was a kid in the 70s my Dad sprayed the yard with DDT before a party we were having.  We didn't have any bugs or birds for that matter in our yard for awhile!  Ah the good old days! 

                         Heather and I were talking about the warnings not to use DEET on small kids, because of the risk of neurological damage.  Yay, chemicals! Tongue

                        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                             ~ Sarah Kay

                          Lord, have mercy you should see the size of the mosquitos in Southern Mississippi.  I ran the Mississippi Trail run a couple years ago and I have never seen such large mosquitos in my life.  I wonder where in the heck they were when the Yankees visited us during the War of Northern Aggression!?.
                          USAF Marathon, September 19 Atlanta 1/2 Marathon, Nov 26 Breast Cancer Marathon, Feb 21, 2010

                            We had both deer flies and horse flies where I grew up. The deer flies were so much nastier although they were about half the size of the horse flies. The horse flies never bit me (they did bite our horses though, horse blood must be tastier) but the deer flies would attack in swarms all biting together. I would've happily put a blue cup on top of my head to stop those things from getting to me while working outside. Their bites would leave blood streaming down and they'd eat your eyes out if given half a chance.


                            Now I do a lot of running on the C&O and come home with quite a few mosquito bites if I forget the deet. At least we don't have the mosquitoes with the stripes, they'll just find any place you missed with the deet, bite through thin clothing, or find a place to go into your clothes (e.g., going up your pant legs and past your socks to bite your leg).



                            Buffalo Gal Rides Again


                              Just for fun, here's The Mosquitos.  They visited Gilligan's Island.


                              The Mosquitos sing "He's a Loser"


                              The names of the Mosquitos: Bingo, Bango, Bongo, and Irving.



                              OMG.  I remember that episode.  It scares me when I can follow your references.  I even knew their names.


                              Zoom-Zoom, the mosquitos are in a full court press in Michigan.  Weird thing is that they are out so early in the evening.   


                              That Harvest Stompede Trail Run I did last year changed the route mid-race for bees.  The race volunteers were on horses due to the hilly terrain and had to yell at us from the horses about the route changes.  heh. 

                              March: Irish Jig 5K (DONE), Kent City Ridge Run 5K (DONE) April: Iron Girl 5K (DONE), Kentucky Derby Half May: 5/3 (10K) July: Cherry Festival 15K August: Chicago Rock N Roll Half, Crim Festival of Races (10 miler) October: Grand Rapids Marathon (Half-Hometown Gig)


                                Zoom-Zoom, the mosquitos are in a full court press in Michigan.  Weird thing is that they are out so early in the evening. 

                                 We were running at like 4pm...insane!

                                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                     ~ Sarah Kay
