Sex and running ! (Read 1665 times)


    Please keep it clean and appropriate! Does running improve your sex life? How? Does running take away from your sex life? How? I'd have to say there are more negatives. Time and energy are the big issues....and the whole sweaty body turn-on of athletes is clearly mythology. http://www.obsessedrunner.blogspot.com/
    My Blog: http://jbcoaching.blogspot.com/ Marathons run: S.F., Boston, St. George, M. of Aviation, Salt Lake City Ultra's run: Big Horn, Squaw Peak, Lean Horse,
    dj steve boyett

    Reluctant Scrooge

      Gosh, I usually end up tripping and falling.
      Steve Boyett
      Podrunner: Free, nonstop, fixed-BPM workout music mixes.
      Podrunner: Intervals - Free, varied-BPM workout music mixes!

      Good Bad & The Monkey

        It absolutely improves my sex life. I am always to tired to want any. Which suits my wife just fine. She doesn't like me anyway.
          Please keep it clean and appropriate! Does running improve your sex life? How? Does running take away from your sex life? How? I'd have to say there are more negatives. Time and energy are the big issues....and the whole sweaty body turn-on of athletes is clearly mythology. http://www.obsessedrunner.blogspot.com/
          I don't know about that last part...fresh sweat is sexy! I want to jump my bf after he comes back from a run. Also, me running = me with less stress and a better body image, which in turn = me feeling more sexy, which....well, you can guess where that leads. Wink

            .and the whole sweaty body turn-on of athletes is clearly mythology.
            Says you. Others would disagree rather strongly.
            I don't know about that last part...fresh sweat is sexy! I want to jump my bf after he comes back from a run.
            I rest my case.
            I'd have to say there are more negatives.
            I can't even think of one negative. And about 100 positives. Unless you consider having to shower once in a while a negative. If your energy is too low for a little lovin' ... it's probably time for a couple days of easy recovery runs. That's a far better sign of over-training than any heart-rate monitor.

            E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


              Which suits my wife just fine.
              I happen to know for a fact you've done it at least three times.

              E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


              Good Bad & The Monkey

                You only know one half of the equation... sheesh.

                  It absolutely improves my sex life. I am always to tired to want any. Which suits my wife just fine. She doesn't like me anyway.
                  WE love it when you go on your long runs...we just wish you would run longer. Evil grin

                  All business

                    I've always wanted to get a shirt that says "Marathoners do it for hours"

                    "What are you afraid of, failure? So am I. "



                      WE love it when you go on your long runs...we just wish you would run longer. Evil grin
                      He's going as slow as possible. Trust me. Take your time.

                      E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

                        Absolutely, running improves sex. The better fit one is from running, the better the sex. The endurance benefits that derive from higher mileage are manifested in more ways than just becoming a faster runner. Wink In just the last 8 years, I have ranged from very fit (8 years ago) to completely out of shape and obese (today). And the quality of sex has varied, accordingly. I must get back into serious running again! Smile Of course, since I am 69 years old, it would help if I could get younger again. Wink
                          If your energy is too low for a little lovin' ... it's probably time for a couple days of easy recovery runs. That's a far better sign of over-training than any heart-rate monitor.
                          So very true! Smile

                            Running - not better than sex - just more often I'm not and employee, shareholder, or shilling, but I saw the shirt above at www.onemoremile.net and will have to buy one soon because it's all too sadly true for me... Cry
                            "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi "I have need to be all on fire, for I have mountains of ice about me to melt." -- William Lloyd Garrison "The marathon is an art; the marathoner is an artist." -- Kiyoshi Nakamura
                            Mr Inertia

                            Suspect Zero

                              Post workout sex is some of the best sex there is.

                                About post workout sex - I have heard that testosteron level drops after sex (for a men). So, it will decrease the effect of certain kinds of workouts.