Tell me how you've HTFU'd lately (Read 2844 times)



    the sign is still standing Evil grin and I'm still nursing a nice gooseegg bump on my head. Black eye Dead aaaaahhhh. builds character, eh? Yes
    What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.... Big grin

    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

         ~ Sarah Kay

    You'll ruin your knees!

      Lynn ran 62.5 miles on Saturday. So there's no way I'm gonna congratulate myself for some glorified jogging around my neighborhood. I'll just STFU instead.
      Yep, but the HTFU part was the "strip down naked and shower from a gallon jug of water outside at 1 am, then sleeping in my truck before driving 6 hours home" to come later... For perspective, those who don't already know... I started running in late 2000, overweight and miserable. Spent six months pounding concrete around my neighborhood hating every step, couldn't run three miles without a walk break...BUT, kept at it and ran an all time high of 2381 miles in 2007. That said, you folks who have decided to get off the couch and go out and run are the heartbeat of HTFU! Keep it up! Lynn B

      ""...the truth that someday, you will go for your last run. But not today—today you got to run." - Matt Crownover (after Western States)

        Thanks for the support. So far it looks like it's clearing up a little bit so hopefully I won't even have to have a biopsy done. Great job on HTFU everyone. P.S. GEAUX LSU!!! Cool
          I think I'm STFU'ing instead. I set out for an interval session this morning, wanting a total of maybe 3-4 miles at around 5k pace, and got a mile and a half. My last 2 long runs have been 26.2 and 23 miles, and a 5 mile race on NYD so maybe today's session was a sign of slight fatigue. I have the Myrtle Beach Bi-Lo coming up on 2/16 so I need to figure it out and HTFU for sure. If there is a good side, mileage hold preference over speed in marathon training and the medium/easy paced miles feel good.

          At the end of the day, be happy with where you are and what you've accomplished.

            Welcome, Hank! I ran to work today (and will run home). It's only a, 8.4 mile RT but hilly and the logistics are hard (I carry work clothes in a backpack). weh, weh. I keep thinking this workout will get easier over time, but it's still a bear. I need to HTFU for sure. Well, uh, last week as I ran home my backpack fell open and all my clothes & underwear fell out and I ran on unaware....only a pair of tights (dress tights) caught on something and dangled down below like a long tail. what a dork! Roll eyes In the morning, before dawn, I drove back along the route and retrieved all my sodden & dirty gear...

            Another Passion

              Econo... you wear underwear? That kinda surprises me. Big grin You still HTFU on your run to work just by doing it. Lynn, wtg on the race and, I agree, anyone that just gets off their duff and gets out there HTFU's as well. As for me, I ran 8 miles today, 2 of which were into 25 mph winds, gusting to 50 - 60 mph. Of course those two miles were the first and the last. Ugh. There's a good chance the marathon I run in April will be windy though so, I just think of it as realistic training. Way to go everyone! Keep up the awesome work. Modified to add: Oh, I almost forgot. I do my long runs on Saturdays and, this past Saturday was a scheduled 13 miler which I thought I would just do 13.1 to see where I was at time-wise. I haven't run a HM race yet, but when I did, the goal I had for myself in my head was under 2 hours. I ran my training long run on Saturday in 1:58:53! I didn't go out with the intention of doing that either until mile 10 when Garmie told me that if I HTFU'd the last 3 miles I could get under 2 hours. I was pretty pumped about that! Smile

              "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
              "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

                I HTFU by running, period, when most of the women my age THAT I KNOW (not talking about you incredible ladies on here) think they're doing great by walking two miles a couple of times a week. I HTFU'd today by disagreeing with DH (who is usually very supportive) when he said, "I think your trying to run 13 miles non-stop this year might be expecting a little much."
                My husband telling me on a short 5k run, after me telling him that a my pace it would take me 5 hours to run a marathon, "you don't want to run that far" made me train for a 1/2 marathon just to show him I could run far. Hah! I HTFU and trained by myself and ran. Showed him and became much more fit.Ok I have a little competition issue here. Corrina
                  HTFU? I spent two hours in the dentist chair this morning for him to tell me I need more work.
                  "If I control myself, I control my destiny."

                    I went for my first trail run ever the other day. The snow was ankle deep Big grin
                      I went for my first trail run ever the other day. The snow was ankle deep Big grin
                      That sounds like fun - in an "oh-how-my-ankles-would-fear-for-their-life" sort of way. Seriously, if my ankles could handle it, I would love to attempt a trail run in the snow. Smile


                      Maggie & Molly

                        ok, I've read through this whole thread trying to figure out what HTFU is. Help?

                         "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
                        Wisdom of Confucius

                        HF 4363


                        I've got a fever...

                          ok, I've read through this whole thread trying to figure out what HTFU is. Help?
                          From HurricaneShaunna 1/4/08
                          Actually, the Urban Dictionary is pretty much right on: It's from Chopper Reid. Here's the YouTube link: It's a playful term we use to describe digging in and not quitting.
                          BTW, I think we have zoom-zoom to thank for making HTFU a huge part of RA-speak.

                          On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                          Maggie & Molly

                            Jeff, thanks, I get it now!!! so given that, I didn't HTFU since I got home and chickened out of a run since it is dark out!!

                             "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
                            Wisdom of Confucius

                            HF 4363

                              rvelich, yah, I usually change into clean underwear before work. Don't want to stink too badly in the classroom. A sub-2 half marathon *in practice*? Like, *on your own*? Score. zoom-zoom, HTFU is my favorite, favorite acronym now.

                              One day at a time

                                My husband telling me on a short 5k run, after me telling him that a my pace it would take me 5 hours to run a marathon, "you don't want to run that far" made me train for a 1/2 marathon just to show him I could run far. Hah! I HTFU and trained by myself and ran. Showed him and became much more fit.Ok I have a little competition issue here. Corrina
                                Good for you, Corrina! You sound like me!! I'm the competitive type, too. I know it's a stretch for me to do a HM this year, but I'm determined to do it! Husbands be darned!