would this be considered a man purse? (Read 903 times)

    Will I be mocked openly or just snickered at? I can deal with the snickering. quote> Do you own a pair of running tights? Have you worn them outdoors? If yes. Relax. The horse has left the barn. Buy the man purse, get organized & enjoy.
      I believe the rule of thumb for bags is, if it's smaller than a laptop, that's an automatic 8 in the gay scale.

        I am reminded of this picture MTA: You aren't David Bowie
          ok. I'm not too hung up on avoiding anything that threatens my perceived whiteness but I have to get an opinion here and I figure this is a good place to get free opinions of people who don't mind telling me how dumb they think I am. I need to get a head cover as spring is just around the corner and the sun will be beating down. I was avoiding the $55 they want for the yuppie middle-class white American hat when I saw this one is the right size and the right price (cheap) for me. But is it a Chinese hat? Will I be mocked openly or just snickered at? I can deal with the snickering. so on a scale of 1-10 how Chinese is this? I'm ok with a 5 but not a 9 on the Asian-meter. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just not the vibe I'm trying to throw.



          My legs are killing me

            I give it an 8 on the chinese scale. Buy that and you'll be eating cats before you know it.
              I'm definitely getting more of a Vietnamese vibe from that than Chinese.
                wearing the hat would only enhance your whiteness by limiting your physiological response stimulated by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.





                  wearing the hat would only enhance your whiteness by limiting your physiological response stimulated by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
                  There was a point somewhere in Tanya's post. And no, it wasn't the one on the hat.


                    There was a point somewhere in Tanya's post. And no, it wasn't the one on the hat.
                    uh, yeah. I got it.






                      Yabbut, poking fun at cultural gender roles isn't necessarily gay-bashing.


                      Runners run

                        uh, yeah. I got it.
                        Somehow, I doubt it.


                          If a gay person would be offended by what I wrote then I’d be surprised. Would I single out a gay person in the workplace? No. Would i kid a gay friend about something as silly as an accessory in a social setting? Yes. Why? Because that is who they are as a person. For crying out loud I get kidded as the only white guy almost every morning at the gym. The guys kid me about my basketball game and my clothes. Do I cry about it? No. They mean no harm. In fact they are trying to show they are at ease with the situation. Let’s not all get weepy about how someone might be possibly offended by such ridiculousness that is not intended as mean spirited. Or should we all ignore the differences between us and just pretend we don't notice? In the workplace, yes. In a social situation? Get over it people.





                            So, that's what you're doing here? Trying to show that you're at ease with the gay community? Because gays are all about accessories? Dude.


                            Menace to Sobriety

                              That hat should keep you coolie in the hot sun.Dead

                              Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.

                                So, that's what you're doing here? Trying to show that you're at ease with the gay community? Because gays are all about accessories? Dude.
                                I didn't really have a social agenda. I was asking about a cover for this assortment of notebooks. I don't believe the entire collection of homosexual men in this world is all about accessories. You are convinced I am a villain. That's fine. You can have your opinion. Just don't expect me to sit back while you insinuate that I practice gay bashing. I happen to believe I am very comfortable with the differences between gay and straight men. If you believe otherwise you are entitled to your opinion. I apologize if I offended you.




