First race this weekend... any advice? (Read 816 times)

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    Third JK Rule of Beer Formula
    First of all, that is awesome! Also, are there First and Second Rule of Beer Formulas?

    "What are you afraid of, failure? So am I. "


      Wow, so many great responses. Thank you everyone. Good luck on your first race Chris! I hope it goes well. As far as the drink consumption, I think my approach will be to take Jake's formula and calculate the night before number of drinks and carry that over to the night after and add that to an imaginary number that is yet to be determined.
      - Tony

      Good Bad & The Monkey


      Good Bad & The Monkey

        More usefully, if its 6:00 p.m. and you're running a marathon at 7 the next morning: Y = 26 (26.2 rounded down) Z = 13 The specific formula is as follows: X = Z/Y + (10% * Z) + 1 Thus in our hypothetical: X = 13/26 + (10% * 13) + 1 X = (0.5+ 1.3) + 1 X = 1.8 + 1 = 2.3 So if you begin at dinner time the night before a 26.2 you may have 3 beers. Always start your training early.