Why we won't be having a Christmas tree this year (Read 779 times)



    akkkkkkk@ having to wait until he's 8 months. Is there anyway you can have it done when he's closer to 6 months? Though I think the chewing thing will slow down in a month or so. I totally forgot about the chewing. Loki does the hunting and leaves the things to Kallie to chew up Confused
    He's already about 6 months. Our vet recommends waiting to 8 for males, but I think as soon as the office re-opens after the new year that we will make the appt. Though he hasn't starting making that tell-tale "boy" stink in the litter box.

    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

         ~ Sarah Kay

      We opted out, too, Zoomie, because of this one: She also has a fondness for plants (and your water glass, and what you're eating for breakfast and dinner, and the fish.... )
      2009: BQ?


        Chase has a bit of an obsession with running water (from faucets or toilet). I'm thinking of looking at one of those water dishes with the circulation...he'd be in heaven with one of those.

        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

             ~ Sarah Kay

          Chase has a bit of an obsession with running water (from faucets or toilet). I'm thinking of looking at one of those water dishes with the circulation...he'd be in heaven with one of those.
          You'd think so, wouldn't you? We had one of those for our cats, and while they drank out of it, they didn't love it (as much as they love prancing in the bathtub after someone has showered).... similar to the cat grass thing: I grew them special cat grass to chew --- they ignored it and kept on nom nom noming on the plants!
          2009: BQ?


            I grew them special cat grass to chew --- they ignored it and kept on nom nom noming on the plants!
            Nom nom nom...LMAO. You are SO an icanhascheezburger.com addict! Wink

            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                 ~ Sarah Kay

            Head Procrastinator

              Chase has a bit of an obsession with running water (from faucets or toilet). I'm thinking of looking at one of those water dishes with the circulation...he'd be in heaven with one of those.
              My Wolf loves to drink out of the bathroom sink. I bought one of those fountains and he didn't give it much notice, still bugged me to turn on the bathroom sink. The thing was a pain too, finally the motor gave out and I tossed it.
              ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats


                My Wolf loves to drink out of the bathroom sink. I bought one of those fountains and he didn't give it much notice, still bugged me to turn on the bathroom sink. The thing was a pain too, finally the motor gave out and I tossed it.
                That's kind of what I have predicted would happen if we did buy one--pets seem to like the things that inconvenience us. We bought a nice scratching post that our cats mostly ignore. But give them the sofa or the carpeting in DS's room and they are in heaven. Dumb furballs. Roll eyes

                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                     ~ Sarah Kay

                Head Procrastinator

                  http://www.omegapaw.com/ScratchBox.html My two LOVE this thing, I just got a new one at Trader Joe's last night for $6.99 with catnip in a bag.
                  ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats

                    I love what a brave face your little man has on there, it looks as though your kitty is sinking her sinking his nails into his hand.

                    this space for rent

                      Oh man, this post gave me a massive fit of giggles! My cat climbed up the undecorated tree the first year we had her, but that was as bad as it ever got. My bf, on the other hand, opted for a small, tabletop living tree because he doesn't trust either of his cats. Witness last year's unfortunate sunflower beheading: sunflowers Here's the guilty party: Tharsis
                        Chase has a bit of an obsession with running water (from faucets or toilet). I'm thinking of looking at one of those water dishes with the circulation...he'd be in heaven with one of those.
                        Loki LOVES to get in the shower after I'm done. One of these times I may just have to turn the water on Evil grin

                        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson



                          I love what a brave face your little man has on there, it looks as though your kitty is sinking her sinking his nails into his hand.
                          Ha, I think he has a VERY high tolerance for pain...he's gonna be a great runner or cyclist someday! Big grin

                          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                               ~ Sarah Kay



                            Here's the guilty party: Tharsis
                            It's ALWAYS the gray tabbies, isn't it?! Tongue

                            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                 ~ Sarah Kay

                            go Care Bear go!

                              We have a tree, but I can tell you the bottom third is not sporting many ornaments thanks to..... She's a very sweet pup, but too curious for her own good! I got some of that Boundary spray and man, that stuff smells like monkey pee (not that I would know!)... sadly, it makes ME not want to go near the tree either!
                                I think when I have a family, I'm just going to do a manger scene, but who knows... I might have to compromise and put a Christmas Tree in... then I might have to see if I can go with full scale manger. modal (who misses his cat)

