Allegra vs. Zyrtec (Read 1422 times)

    What about Claritin (loratidine)? You might want to try to add on some alternative medicine to it as well - speak to a naturopathic doctor. Do you know what you are allergic to? Can you get immunotherapy for it? Do you do things to reduce your exposure to allergens such as keeping windows closed at night, avoiding going outside on windy days (I know, you're in training so this might be unreasonable), run in the morning when the wind is lighter? Just some thoughts....might not work but worth a try I think.

    Suffering Benefiting from mature onset exercise addiction and low aerobic endorphin release threshold. Hoping there is no cure.

    50 halfs by age 50

      OTC Zyrtec has an OTC generic too...cetirizine. If you get drowsy from antihistamines, you might start with half a pill of the 10 mg dose. Make sure you aren't planning to drive anywhere after taking it until you know how it affects you. I take fexofenadine 180 mg, but have to cut those in half too. All the cool kids are trying neti pots and Neil Med rinses that are available OTC in most pharmacies. One of the ENTs I work with recommends them highly. I just saw a blurb in one of the online journals about how they are really helpful, even when you've tried all the standard meds. It's not very sexy though, so you might want to be alone the first time you do it Cool

      *Mel* //  "A lot of people run a race to see who's the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts." - Steve Prefontaine



        Yep, I <3 my neti pot. i have used it the last 2 mornings. it definitely helps, but mostly the symptoms once they've struck. i would love to cut the symptoms off at the pass. and the neti pot does nothing for the asthma symptoms, unfortunately. ruth, claritin is like a sugar pill for me...but it works fantastically for my son. i hope that lasts. my mom is actually going through immunotherapy and i'm starting to consider it. i just loathe the thought of years of 3 or more shots every week. what a hassle. she is allergic to cats, dust mites, and mold...and has 3 cats in an old house (i'm in the same boat, only with 4 cats...i have had the same sorts of allergies she has, only mine seem to be even more seasonal, which leads me to believe that my primary triggers are pollens...right now grass and trees are starting to kick into high gear and i'm sure mold is way up there). we don't yet have the windows open, but it won't be long. avoiding running in the wind is a tough one. we get a lot of it this time of the year. my="" neti="" pot.="" i="" have="" used="" it="" the="" last="" 2="" mornings.="" it="" definitely="" helps,="" but="" mostly="" the="" symptoms="" once="" they've="" struck.="" i="" would="" love="" to="" cut="" the="" symptoms="" off="" at="" the="" pass.="" and="" the="" neti="" pot="" does="" nothing="" for="" the="" asthma="" symptoms,="" unfortunately.="" ruth,="" claritin="" is="" like="" a="" sugar="" pill="" for="" me...but="" it="" works="" fantastically="" for="" my="" son.="" i="" hope="" that="" lasts.="" my="" mom="" is="" actually="" going="" through="" immunotherapy="" and="" i'm="" starting="" to="" consider="" it.="" i="" just="" loathe="" the="" thought="" of="" years="" of="" 3="" or="" more="" shots="" every="" week.="" what="" a="" hassle.="" she="" is="" allergic="" to="" cats,="" dust="" mites,="" and="" mold...and="" has="" 3="" cats="" in="" an="" old="" house="" (i'm="" in="" the="" same="" boat,="" only="" with="" 4="" cats...i="" have="" had="" the="" same="" sorts="" of="" allergies="" she="" has,="" only="" mine="" seem="" to="" be="" even="" more="" seasonal,="" which="" leads="" me="" to="" believe="" that="" my="" primary="" triggers="" are="" pollens...right="" now="" grass="" and="" trees="" are="" starting="" to="" kick="" into="" high="" gear="" and="" i'm="" sure="" mold="" is="" way="" up="" there).="" we="" don't="" yet="" have="" the="" windows="" open,="" but="" it="" won't="" be="" long.="" avoiding="" running="" in="" the="" wind="" is="" a="" tough="" one.="" we="" get="" a="" lot="" of="" it="" this="" time="" of="" the=""></3 my neti pot. i have used it the last 2 mornings. it definitely helps, but mostly the symptoms once they've struck. i would love to cut the symptoms off at the pass. and the neti pot does nothing for the asthma symptoms, unfortunately. ruth, claritin is like a sugar pill for me...but it works fantastically for my son. i hope that lasts. my mom is actually going through immunotherapy and i'm starting to consider it. i just loathe the thought of years of 3 or more shots every week. what a hassle. she is allergic to cats, dust mites, and mold...and has 3 cats in an old house (i'm in the same boat, only with 4 cats...i have had the same sorts of allergies she has, only mine seem to be even more seasonal, which leads me to believe that my primary triggers are pollens...right now grass and trees are starting to kick into high gear and i'm sure mold is way up there). we don't yet have the windows open, but it won't be long. avoiding running in the wind is a tough one. we get a lot of it this time of the year.>

        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

             ~ Sarah Kay

        Yoda the 4-eared cat

          Ruth, Claritin is like a sugar pill for me...but it works fantastically for my son. I hope that lasts. My mom is actually going through immunotherapy and I'm starting to consider it. I just loathe the thought of years of 3 or more shots every week. What a hassle. She is allergic to cats, dust mites, and mold...and has 3 cats in an old house (I'm in the same boat, only with 4 cats...I have had the same sorts of allergies she has, only mine seem to be even more seasonal, which leads me to believe that my primary triggers are pollens...right now grass and trees are starting to kick into high gear and I'm sure mold is way up there).
          This may be an obvious question, Kirsten, but have you ever had an allergy test? It may not change the trial and error nature of your medicating, but I think it is necessary prior to desensitizing therapy (to identify the allergen) and it might provide some clues for avoiding triggers - I'm allergic to flowering grass pollen mainly (and I live in a fairly high wheat producing area, so not great for me in spring and summer), which means i know to take antihisamines for any hikes hear fields. Likewise cats. Boohoo. As for medications, the pill form I use is desloratadine (sold as Aerius in France, prescription only - it is non-drowsy) but I always supplement it with antihistimine eye drops and occasionally a nasal spray called Nasacort for when the symptoms start being a pain. My eyes are always the weak point. MTA - I see that Claratyne is loratadine, which is I guess the same thing as desloratadine...maybe. MTA2 - I've done some Wikipedia research and loratadine and desloratadine are not the same. The latter is marketed as NeoClarityn, Claramax and Clarinex (one of these for the US, I suppose). It might be worth looking into as a possible treatment. FWIW, I find it works well, supplemented with eye drops and occasional use of nasal spray. Only time it didn't work at all was for visiting my Grandma's house that always caused major allergy and asthma symptons whatever the time of year. Some sort of mould I think (a damp house in Wales), that I have never come accross anywhere else.


            Yeah, I really should get tested...so that I at least know what my triggers are, though I think avoiding them will be the tough part if I am indeed allergic to the things that I suspect I am...like pollens, cats, dust mites, mold. So far the Zyrtec seems to really be working well, though. I am still battling lung gunk, but that seems more residual from the cold and/or allergy crap that is gradually working its way out of my head. I have been sneezing a LOT less and my eyes feel less gooped-up in the AM, too. Not really noticing any marked drowsiness (other than the sort brought about by not sleeping enough during marathon training. Tongue) Hopefully this works. Big grin

            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                 ~ Sarah Kay


            Good Bad & The Monkey

              This is prescription Clarinex. This is the same thing as Claritin, with a small molecular change. The drug company did this so that they could continue to have a non-drowsy antihistimine in patent protection. Don't get me started.


                This is prescription Clarinex. This is the same thing as Claritin, with a small molecular change. The drug company did this so that they could continue to have a non-drowsy antihistimine in patent protection. Don't get me started.
                Why does this sort of thing not surprise me. Man, that seems almost fraudulent.

                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                     ~ Sarah Kay

                50 halfs by age 50

                  Why does this sort of thing not surprise me. Man, that seems almost fraudulent.
                  Happens all the time. Allegra (fexofenadine) is a relative of Seldane (terfenadine) which was pulled off the market in '98. Xyzal (levocetirizine) is the 'new and improved' Zyrtec (cetirizine). Nexium (esomeprazole) is related to Prilosec (omeprazole). There are tons of them...Celexa and Lexapro, Effexor and Pristiq, etc, etc... The drug companies usually try to roll out the new drug when the old one's going off-patent (generic) or OTC. Sometimes it results in fewer side effects and improved efficacy but more often just helps line the drug company coffers.

                  *Mel* //  "A lot of people run a race to see who's the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts." - Steve Prefontaine


                  Good Bad & The Monkey

                    Agreed. I would however put the new and improved in quotes. Big grin


                      Agreed. I would however put the new and improved in quotes. Big grin
                      Kinda like when shoe companies feel the need to come out with "new and improved" models and f-up a perfectly good shoe (I'm looking at you NB).

                      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                           ~ Sarah Kay

                        A few weeks ago I started taking Zyrtec for my allergies. I had never taken any allergy meds before because I never needed to prior to moving here. I think I'm just allergic to Orlando and was not allergic to South Florida. Tongue Anyway, around that same time... I was RIDICULOUSLY tired all the time and dry mouth. I didn't even think of Zyrtec being a possible cause, I thought it was just the stress of everything going on (although I was getting a good amount of sleep and things weren't too crazy). One day I had a big performance and prior to taking the stage, I was just fighting with my body to stay awake. That whole week sucked for brass playing... dry mouth + horn = no fun. Then it clicked... maybe it's the Zyrtec? Stopped taking it... problem solved. So now I sneeze. But I'd rather sneeze than be totally incapable of playing my horn.

                        "To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time." -- Leonard Bernstein



                          So far I'm not experiencing any excessive sleepiness or dry mouth...I definitely will get that with Benadryl or Doxylamine succinate...both are used as sleep aids, so that's no great surprise. My sinuses feel better...definitely seem to have less sneezing, too--woot! Big grin

                          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                               ~ Sarah Kay

                          50 halfs by age 50

                            Agreed. I would however put the new and improved in quotes. Big grin
                            Done Wink

                            *Mel* //  "A lot of people run a race to see who's the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts." - Steve Prefontaine

                            ...listen to the thunder

                              I currently take generic Allegra with a nasal spray, but have used Zyrtec in the past. I liked Zyrtec, but it was too drying for me and I ended up with a bloody nose every once in a while. Fexofenadine seems to work well for me with no nose bleeds. Smile

                              Run, Eat, Repeat.


                                This is prescription Clarinex. This is the same thing as Claritin, with a small molecular change. The drug company did this so that they could continue to have a non-drowsy antihistimine in patent protection. Don't get me started.
                                No kidding!