The Case Against Breastfeeding (Read 1022 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

    I do not support this article, but thought it interesting fodder for nonrunningrelateddiscussion - http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200904/case-against-breastfeeding

    A Saucy Wench

      *snort* and you thought religion and politics was dangerous.

      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

      Double IPA Please!

        *snort* and you thought religion and politics was dangerous.
        ooooo, step away from this discussion...seriously..this is right up there with those two topics.. mta..I breastfed all my children..my youngest until he was 2- ive long given up getting into any debate over the topic

        Interested in looking good and feeling great? Check out my website at www.marykay.com/dyerger

        Shipping is always free with me!! :-)


        I fly.

          I've said all that I need to say on this subject to my husband. Everyone else can mind their own business.

          Bring it on.


          One day at a time

            I've said all that I need to say on this subject to my husband. Everyone else can mind their own business.
              I am totally against breastfeeding-for Octomoms.



                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                     ~ Sarah Kay


                  I do not nurse children. That would be wrong. If you are like me, do not nurse children.

                  Imminent Catastrophe

                    Don't you babes have a usergroup for this kind of thing? You should let Trent join. He's a doctor.

                    "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                     "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                    "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                    √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                    Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                    Western States 100 June 2016


                      This thread is very, very soon going to get pictures of random animals posted in it.


                      Imminent Catastrophe

                        The Blue-footed Booby

                        "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                         "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                        "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                        √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                        Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                        Western States 100 June 2016


                          A titmouse.



                            Gee, I wonder if The Atlantic will get any letters about this essay.

                            Giant Flaming Dork


                                All I gotta say is every momma animal seems to be ok with their kid sucking on their nipple, so why should we expect any different than our kid? Not that kids are in my future ANY time soon, but hypothetically, if I had a little bugger, I'd go the way nature intended... Yes