Why Is the Republican Field So Extreme? (Read 2137 times)


    I disagree.


    I think intelligent design is just wrong.  Why?  Because the theory purports intelligent design was used to create bozos who argue on message boards. 


    Therefore the whole premise seems wacko. 


    (caution:  the above was NOT supposed to be a slam on SRL)


    fucking you, fucking fuckerson.


    Or something like that.  Did I do it right?


      I believe we are now officially off the rails! It's Friday!


      Speaking of Friday, you started this thread just to get you riled up for your race, didn't you?


      ADMIT IT.


      (Could I have used "you" more times in that sentence?)




        You asked him a direct question about Republican candidates in an effort to rope-a-dope him with stuff about the Democratic president.


        And in this follow up, you continue to pull up (reasonable? perhaps) stuff about Obama which still has nothing to do with the question you asked him.


        I admit that I didn't really address the Rick Perry question.  I choose not to play.


        Ok - let me type this real slowly for you so you can follow along.


        I want to know the definition of phony as it relates to a Republican. I also indicated that it's my belief most politicians are phonies in some way to get elected. So what level of phony is ok. Since the one current example of someone elected (Big O) is available and since I believe him to be a supporter of Big O, I am trying to delve out what is acceptable as a comparison to a known baseline of "phony". You give me too much credit for an Ali rope-a-dope. I just want a reasonable answer. I could have used Bush and his phony stuff, but I assumed he did not support him in a political sense.


        Did that help or do I need to explain further.


        Oh and deciding not to play after calling out someone as a nut and bully is courageous. Seems like a good troll maneuver. But then again, I could be wrong.

        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



        Good Bad & The Monkey

          I disagree.


          I think intelligent design is just wrong.  Why?  Because the theory purports intelligent design was used to create bozos who argue on message boards. 


          Therefore the whole premise seems wacko. 


          This response is inadequate.


          This thread offers strong evidence agains both intelligent design and evolution (i.e., survival of the fittest).


            >> let me type this real slowly for you so you can follow along.


            Nope.  No dickery whatsoever involved.


            I wasn't attempting to show courage.  Saying that I lack it is fine feedback.  If the intention is to get my riled up like Yosemite Sam, then you should try something different.  Like me being short.  That usually works.  Also, my penis is not large.  (oh wait: ah, the 'troll' comment.  See, that one has possibilities.  Consarnit.)


               Did I do it right?


              if not it was at least a hell of an effort. 





              Why is it sideways?

                Speaking of Friday, you started this thread just to get you riled up for your race, didn't you?


                ADMIT IT.


                (Could I have used "you" more times in that sentence?)


                YES! (That and I had a paper due YESTERDAY that demanded some serious procrastinating.)


                Got 'er done, though, as they say in the dirty handed cubicle-farmed flourescent lighted real world.

                  This response is inadequate.


                  This thread offers strong evidence agains both intelligent design and evolution (i.e., survival of the fittest).


                  ahh, but it does offer strong support for my theory of peakalution. 


                  as further proof that our species peaked 1,002,011 years ago I offer this evidence.  Happy Friday.






                  Nashville Dog Runner

                    Now, all y'all just calm down. 


                    This stuff is hysterical.  Even funnier than my mileage this week.Big grin


                      Speaking of Friday, you started this thread just to get you riled up for your race, didn't you?


                      ADMIT IT.


                      (Could I have used "you" more times in that sentence?)

                       Yes, you could have opened with a salutation:


                      HEY, YOU!

                      "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


                        Andy's tunnel to freedom was behind a poster from that movie.


                        And with that, I'm taking us all out. Through the sewer.


                        If you want.


                        WHAT SAY YOU THERE, FUZZY B(R)ITCHES?


                        Why is it sideways?

                            So far the best thing about this thread has been the ad of Raquel Welch from 1500 B.C. that has popped up on my screen.


                            That line from the principal in Billy Madison seems to be on par with most of the discussion on this topic.


                            "Everyone in this room is now dumber for having heard it.  I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

                              Andy's tunnel to freedom was behind a poster from that movie.


                              And with that, I'm taking us all out. Through the sewer.


                              If you want.


                              WHAT SAY YOU THERE, FUZZY B(R)ITCHES?

                              It was Rita Hayworth. C'mon, she was like the star of the movie. 

                              "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


                                Jeff, you are beside yourself! Much learning has driven you mad!


                                "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus