Who doesnt listen to music while running? (Read 3009 times)

sincerely silly

    It might be because I used to sing and played in a marching band that did a ton of its own pop music arrangements but I also have a good store of music in my head. 


    No fussing with playlists like when I do listen to music or podcasts on the treadmill...when I'm outside running I automatically think of what I need to be hearing. :-)


    Again, I guess I'm a nutcase. :-)  Especially when I randomly bust out one line of a chorus with no earphones on...thank goodness everyone else on the trail has headphones on!

    shin splints are my nemesis

      I dunno, sometimes I'm on a trail and it's sunny and I put on some ABB Midnight Rider... feels good, man.


      I'm glad this was reanimated though so that I can share my favorite neighborhood runner, boombox guy. He runs with a radio blasting oldies, mostly during the summer months. I'm not sure how far he runs, but he is 100% focused and actually pretty fast. Either way, you have to admire that kind of commitment to music.


      There's also the neighborhood fixie bicycle gang who ride by with their boombox playing Jazz, and a neighbor down the street who once blasted Edwin Starr's War for 24 hours straight. I guess I'm lucky to not have to carry an iPod. People around here supply the music and entertainment for you. 

      If I had a dollar for every time I said that, I'd be making money in a very weird way. - Mitch Hedberg


        I don't. I like to hear what's going around me and besides also feel like the music ruins my natural rhythm somehow.

        But I love music and would wish my music could somehow adjust to my pace. Wouldn't that be cool?



          Listening to music just puts you in a little cocoon.  You miss out on so much going on around you.  You miss out on the cheers from the sidelines, comments from other runners, and the sounds of the course around you.  If you're going to tune out the sounds around you, you might as well just go get on a treadmill in a gym since you'd get the same experience. 

          Man in Tights

            I don't. And never understood why some people do. 

              I just listen to me own music in  me own head & all the other junk floating around

                I don't. And never understood why some people do. 


                in my town half the roads are highways, i even live on one of them. i listen to music to drown out traffic and stupid hecklers.


                Consistently Slow

                  I stopped when I realized I missed half of what is being said or played.Cry

                  Run until the trail runs out.

                   SCHEDULE 2016--

                   The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                  unsolicited chatter


                    I don't. I like to hear what's going around me and besides also feel like the music ruins my natural rhythm somehow.

                    But I love music and would wish my music could somehow adjust to my pace. Wouldn't that be cool?

                     You can and it is awesome.  What you need to do is figure out what your pace is (in beats per minute BPM).


                    Then, you can download some software that looks at all the songs in your itunes catalog and fills in the BPM field for you.  


                    Then, just select all the songs with the appropriate range of BPM for you speed!!!


                    Big grin

                    2018 Goals

                    Figure out the achilles thing...... and THEN try to get running regularly again.

                    No racing goals 



                    RA's cranky old teenager

                      Nay. My coach doesn't want us to because we can't race with music. Makes sense.


                      I don't want to anyway. My feet hitting the ground is all the music I need.

                      That's probably maybe mostly true.


                      Options,Account, Forums

                        What's this "running" thing you mentioned?

                        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                        Feeling the growl again

                          I thought of this thread -- as well as a hundred other things -- this weekend as I attempted my first 50-miler.  Beforehand, I was a bit concerned about the mental aspect of the race as I had never run more than 26.2 miles or 3 hours before in my life and anticipated ~6hr finish.  As it turned out, I found plenty to be absorbed in for ~4 hours and 30+ miles, until I encountered knee issues which pulled me firmly back to the here-and-now, minute-to-minute issues of the run.  Plenty of fall beauty, scenery, and general mindlessness to keep me occupied.  I don't begrudge those that like to run while listening to music....but if I did....I think I would get a lot less out of running.

                          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                          I look my best blurry!

                            Yesterday morning I couldn't find any iPod earbuds because one of my darling teenagers nabbed my only hot pick pair sometime the day before.  I was headed out for a 2:30 min on the Alter-G and I couldn't bear the thought of running on the treadmill looking out the window on a perfect fall day without music.  I had planned to start at 7:15 but I had to put it off until the Rite Aid nearby opened.  I could have survived quite nicely outdoors but on a treadmill in a PT office, NO WAY!!  In the afternoon I found a pair in the dryer.  When I find out who they belong to I bet I'll find out who has my hot pink earbuds!!  Darn teenagers!


                              Depends on my mood. My iPod was dead the last couple of months so I didn't have much of a choice but since I got a new one I haven't really begun listening to music again. I guess I get a bit more out of it.

                              Biking Bad

                              finnegan begin again

                                Thanks Dictionary.com word of the day. 10/24/11. 


                                I've found myself in anoesis with and without music, just not often enough. 





                                   \an-oh-EE-sis\ , noun;

                                1. A state of mind consisting of pure sensation or emotion without cognitive content.


                                Normally, on my long-distance (runs), anoesis descends within a few miles: the mental tape loop of infuriating resentments, or inane pop lyrics, or nonce phrases gives way to the greeny-beige noise of the outdoors.

                                -- Will Self, <cite>Psychogeography</cite>

                                Wiggy felt sudden release from all tension: exalted, drawn up in a freedom like dance. Then he was staring in stillness, for a moment in anoesis.

                                -- Richard Henderson, <cite>Chasing Charlie</cite>

                                "... the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value..."  Thomas Paine Dec 23, 1776 The Crisis 


                                Adversity is the first path to truth. Lord Byron


                                "No one plans to fail…..they fail to plan" Skinny Pete