McCain names VP pick (Read 1538 times)

    It loks like there could be a woman president by 2011 after all. Not likely but the odds are probably down to 5:1 that there is a woman as president of the USA before 2011.






        Maverick, moose hunter, beauty queen, basketball player and distance runner. I see America's darlin' being spoken somewhere. Probably by Dan Rather. Truth is I was hoping Obama was going to name a woman not nammed Clinton as his VP.





        The voice of mile 18

          at first glance looks like a pretty cool pick.definitely not boring.

           Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 

            McCain is known for picking attractive women in their 40's to be part of his campaign. So is John Edwards but he's already out of the race so he's gotten a pass.





              Roll eyes



              Insert witty title here

                I don't care who McSame picks as long as he loses Wink

                ThomasRuns Blog

                "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." - [Walter Bagehot]

                Menace to Sobriety

                  McCain is known for picking attractive women in their 40's to be part of his campaign. So is John Edwards but he's already out of the race so he's gotten a pass.
                  Say he bails on Cindy and hooks up with Sarah. Can you be VP and First Lady at the same time?

                  Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.

                    I was wondering about 6 months ago if you could be VP, ex-president, and first gentlman at the same time.






                      Say he bails on Cindy and hooks up with Sarah. Can you be VP and First Lady at the same time?
                      Cindy's dang hot herself and not only that she owns a beer distributorship (I sense free beer in the offing). Tough choice. No, not between McCain & Obama - between Cindy and Sarah.


                        I was hoping he would pick Dennis Kucinich so that the entire Republican ticket could have hot first ladies (you know, in case McCain died in office).

                        I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.



                          Wow. There's hope for us short, geeky, middle age, single guys!



                            Wow. There's hope for us RICH, short, geeky, middle age, single guys!
                            Fixed that for you. Wink

                            I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                              Cindy's dang hot herself and not only that she owns a beer distributorship (I sense free beer in the offing). Tough choice. No, not between McCain & Obama - between Cindy and Sarah.
                              I guess McCain has a better chance than Kerry did. I mean you hand a guy a free cold beer and his vote may just switch. Hand a guy a bowl of ketchup and it's comming back at you.





                                This is great for the GOP and the country. Sarah Palin is the young blood of the Republican Party. Everyone talks that she has no experience, maybe so, but I believe she has a good deal of experience, but she may just be the catalyst for change. Think about it for a minute...she doesnt come from Washington and isnt part of the existing political machine. Lets face it, both parties are stuck in a rut and Obama promises change, but he is only a small part of that change, congress has to want to change and they dont want to. Look, if Palin was forced into the roll of president, she is basically a figurehead, she will be surrounded by very smart and experienced people. It looks like McCain will be picking Romney, Guiliani and Lieberman for cabinet positions. If you think that voting for Obama means change, the only thing that will change will be the man in the oval office. if you think W is responsible for the economy, try again, Greenspan and Bernake have been setting the economic policies in this country for 20 years. Greed (mortgage crisis) got the best of us. Ask this question...why have the democrats been blocking legislation to allow oil drilling offshore or in ANWAR? We have to stop the dependency on foreign oil and trust me...we have plenty in and around the US. Disclosure: I voted for W, twice, he has not been my favorite president and I think he could have done things differently, but I give him credit for taking the war on terror to the terrorist, instead of waiting for them to bring it to us. Sorry for the rant, but all I hear about is change...Obama/Biden is more of the same Washington politcs, at least McCain/Palin has some promise. Bob