McCain names VP pick (Read 1538 times)

Hey, nice marmot!

    28. This town needs an enema.



    "The world is my country, science is my religion."-- Christiaan Huygens


      27. It's time for a change.
      27a. Its time for a change. Sex changes for everyone!

      I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.

      Menace to Sobriety

        29. Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which one gets full first. (Props to my Grandma)

        Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.

        Gotta TRI

          30. All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
          2010 Dec. California International Marathon 2011 Jan. Disney Marathon

          Consistently Slow

            You can live here. But no voting unless you've done federal service. You wanna be a citizen, prove it.
            Does the Federal Penitentiary System count! Cool

            Run until the trail runs out.

             SCHEDULE 2016--

             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

            unsolicited chatter


              I saw this on another forum, new acronym: VPILF Big grin MTA: VPILF Damn, that didn't take long.
              Congratulations idiot, you just showed your complete lack of class.



                  "Quit...Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"
                  HOSS 2009 Goals Have a healthy back and run w/o pain! Drop 15 pounds gained while injured

                    Here's what I think...and that matters only to me. - The Republicans appear to have made a move to the center w/McCain. - It is interesting that he picked a Washington outsider versus Biden who is an insider in the highest sense. - Other than a new President, I am not sure what Obama is preaching about with "Change". He chose the above VP candidate and votes along party lines. What is new in his platform? - In order for the Gov't to make something happen somebody needs to build bi-partisianship. I think McCain has shown an inclination to do this. - The Dems have done absolutley nothing while in power in this congress. They have poor leadership and have squandered opportunity. If they lose this election the party will be devastated and they need to take a look at themselves. - Obama seems to be more flash than substance. Please someone tell me meaningful legislation that he has sponsored and that has passed???? He is a great speaker that has the ability to not really say anything...which means he is a good politician...which means no change.
                    HOSS 2009 Goals Have a healthy back and run w/o pain! Drop 15 pounds gained while injured

                    Imminent Catastrophe

                      Congratulations idiot, you just showed your complete lack of class.
                      First time on the internet, bdags? My advice: before your next post lurk awhile, learn what's going on and how things work on the forum, and maybe next time you won't expose yourself for the tyro that you are. Suggested subjects for study: SMILIES, SATIRE, HUMOR, IRONY, SARCASM. That should keep you busy for awhile. And whatever you do, DO NOT go to You'd probably have a stroke. BTW thanks for the lessons on class. Your opinion is very important to...nobody. MTA: Since you obviously missed the nuance, I will attempt to explain. The post that you took offense to was meant to illustrate how quickly the internet can generate stupid, absurd, ridiculous and offensive content. It was only a few hours after the Palin announcement that this website appeared. You completely missed the point. Next time, think awhile before labeling somebody an idiot.

                      "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                       "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                      "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                      √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                      Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                      Western States 100 June 2016

                        First time on the internet, bdags? My advice: before your next post lurk awhile, learn what's going on and how things work on the forum, and maybe next time you won't expose yourself for the tyro that you are. Suggested subjects for study: SMILIES, SATIRE, HUMOR, IRONY, SARCASM. That should keep you busy for awhile. And whatever you do, DO NOT go to You'd probably have a stroke. BTW thanks for the lessons on class. Your opinion is very important to...nobody. MTA: Since you obviously missed the nuance, I will attempt to explain. The post that you took offense to was meant to illustrate how quickly the internet can generate stupid, absurd, ridiculous and offensive content. It was only a few hours after the Palin announcement that this website appeared. You completely missed the point. Next time, think awhile before labeling somebody an idiot.
                        Alright, "idiot" may have been a bit strong. I'm sorry. However, your sarcasm was well hidden. I'm no prude, but that acronym and the website itself is completely disrespectful to ANY woman regardless of political affiliation.
                          I'm no prude, but that acronym and the website itself is completely disrespectful to ANY woman regardless of political affiliation.
                          true. and so are the thousands of blogs and posts labeling 1 candidate as a war mongering nazi or the other as a racist socialist who wants to enslave whitey. these people are far more accomplished than I. And they have ideas which I may or may not approve of. But whoever wins... will be my president and vice president. So I will respect them. (the bastards) Smile





                            bdags and PerfesserR, you both need chill pills. Clowning around I need someone to hound me about my lack of consistent running Cry


                            Hey, nice marmot!

                              I need someone to hound me about my lack of consistent running
                              Jeez modal, wth?! Look at how fat your log bars are! How fat are they? They're so fat that when they walk down the street, people say "Dammit! There goes some big fat log bars!" No, but seriously though, every time you skip a run, God kills a bunny. What did this guy ever do to you? Consistency man. Do it for the innocent bunnies.



                              "The world is my country, science is my religion."-- Christiaan Huygens

                              Lazy idiot

                                Jeez modal, wth?! Look at how fat your log bars are! How fat are they? They're so fat that when they walk down the street, people say "Dammit! There goes some big fat log bars!" No, but seriously though, every time you skip a run, God kills a bunny. What did this guy ever do to you? Consistency man. Do it for the innocent bunnies.
                                Quoted in it's entirety for awesomeness purposes.

                                Tick tock