McCain names VP pick (Read 1538 times)

    Here's something I read on-line. It may not be true, but what a plot: The Republican Plan: 1) Kill Obama's momentum coming out of the Democratic Convention. The last several and next several news cycles will have almost nothing about Obama in them. 2) Appease the conservative base by nominating a gun-supporting, anti-abortion VP candidate. 3) Palin to step down as VP nominee because of scandal, and then Romney or Leiberman will take her place. The McCain campaign can say to the right wing base that they tried to get a true conservative as VP, but it did not work out.
    Palin was picked because her nomination would stop Obama's momentum, appease the base, and after that her flaws would bring her down and McCain gets who he wanted in the first place.
    It is a political thriller!

    Lazy idiot

      Wildcats looks... interesting. It's probably a kids dance studio with an inappropriately chosen store-front graphic, though.

      Tick tock

      Mishka-old log

        Wildcats looks... interesting. It's probably a kids dance studio with an inappropriately chosen store-front graphic, though.
        I frequent Lashings next door and it's odd I never noticed that. I'll peek in next time I'm back in the district. Something to look forward to. I'm all giddy!
          I think everyone needs to just watch the GOP Conventio and then all the debates and make an informed decision. Don't listen to any of the scare tactics by either party and find out the FACTS. Regardless of who you vote for after that, you would have responsibly casted your vote. Saw a comedy sketch on one of the news programs...they interviewed some of the protesters at the GOP yesterday...they showed them pics of world leaders, national leaders, and of Biden. They had no clue who they were, not even Biden...yet they were voting for Obama. To me, that is ridiculously insane. At least be responsible and know what your voting for.
          2008 GOALS GET BELOW 175 (at 175 now) RUN 6:00 MILE (at 6:29) RUN BELOW 25:30 5K RUN BELOW 55:00 10K RUN A MARATHON (DEC. 6TH - MEMPHIS - ST JUDE)

          Best Present Ever

            Saw a comedy sketch on one of the news programs...they interviewed some of the protesters at the GOP yesterday...they showed them pics of world leaders, national leaders, and of Biden. They had no clue who they were, not even Biden...yet they were voting for Obama. To me, that is ridiculously insane. At least be responsible and know what your voting for.
            That's not all that reliable a test of one's knowledge. I get almost all of my news from radio and print sources, so I see photos of leaders, but not many. To boot, I usually read the NY TImes on-line, not paper, so the photos are even less visible. It's not infrequent for me to not recognize a face, esp ones that don't often get photos with their stories.

              response removed. It was dumb. There is nothing to see here. Move on.


              Imminent Catastrophe

                She had to know that, like it or not, her daughter's situation would be on national TV? And if she did realize this, there is a fair argument that she put her own ambitions ahead of her family's needs...
                I don't get this. Anyone who runs for president changes their families' lives forever, and many if not most candidates have some family issues, a pregnant daughter is hardly the worst problem candidates have had. Reportedly this is the reason that Colin Powell did not consider running--the impact on his family. Admirable, but he's a rare exception. There are some good arguments against Gov. Palin but IMHO that's not one of them.

                "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                 "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                Western States 100 June 2016

                  "That's not all that reliable a test of one's knowledge. I get almost all of my news from radio and print sources, so I see photos of leaders, but not many. To boot, I usually read the NY TImes on-line, not paper, so the photos are even less visible. It's not infrequent for me to not recognize a face, esp ones that don't often get photos with their stories." That is more than these folks could say. They had no idea who these people were any form or fashion. I would say be careful of can't tell the context of what they are saying. I'll give an example on both sides. Obama repeatedly uses a quote from McCain to try and put McCain out of touch with the average American. "John McCain thinks you are not rich until you have $5,000,000." Which McCain did say, but he was joking when he said fact the crowd of 1000's and the moderator all got the joke. He went on to say that he WAS SURE that the comment would be taken out of context. And Obama has taken it out of context to try and gain politically...btw, Obama said rich was $250,000 and he was serious, which is still out of touch with the part of the country I live in. If you would have seen would know McCain was making a joke. McCain has put a TV ad out where he shows Obama calling Iran a tiny threat. In context, Obama was saying Iran was tiny compared to the old Russian threat the US faced in the 80's. Don't know if that is true, but it was taken out of context.
                  2008 GOALS GET BELOW 175 (at 175 now) RUN 6:00 MILE (at 6:29) RUN BELOW 25:30 5K RUN BELOW 55:00 10K RUN A MARATHON (DEC. 6TH - MEMPHIS - ST JUDE)

                  Insert witty title here

                    Obama repeatedly uses a quote from McCain to try and put McCain out of touch with the average American. "John McCain thinks you are not rich until you have $5,000,000." Which McCain did say, but he was joking when he said fact the crowd of 1000's and the moderator all got the joke. He went on to say that he WAS SURE that the comment would be taken out of context. And Obama has taken it out of context to try and gain politically...btw, Obama said rich was $250,000 and he was serious, which is still out of touch with the part of the country I live in. If you would have seen would know McCain was making a joke.
                    But he never answered the question. Whether you agree with his answer or not Obama gave an answer and is saying McCain is out of touch because he couldn't provide an answer to that question other than to say $5 million. To me that is not taking anything out of context.. it's 1 more example of how McCain has no clue what the average American feels.

                    ThomasRuns Blog

                    "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." - [Walter Bagehot]

                      I don't get this. Anyone who runs for president changes their families' lives forever, and many if not most candidates have some family issues, a pregnant daughter is hardly the worst problem candidates have had.
                      I don't disagree with you that running for office means agreeing to change your family's lives. My point is that given that McCain seemed to be getting some traction in questioning Obama's motives by arguing that Obama was putting his ego/ambition ahead of country, it is strange that McCain made a VP selection that has a similar potential downside. The McCain slogan "Country First" was no doubt designed to hammer home a message that McCain is running for all of the right reasons. Palin's choice to accept McCain's offer and thereby put her daughter's situation under the microscope (does anyone believe Palin's daughter is better off by having mom run for VP?) leaves open an argument regarding her motivations and priorities. Ultimately the motivation argument shouldn't be compelling for either side because anyone who runs for high office is, by definition, full of themselves as far as I'm concerned. I'd say let's settle this over a friendly foot race, but looking at your log, I realize that you'd run me into the ground.
                        TnThomas - I do agree McCain gave a vague answer saying some of the richest people he knew were some the most unhappy. Also he stated that he didn't want to raise anyone's taxes...he wants everyone to get rich...but Obama is still using the comment grossly out of context for political gain. If Obama wasn't smart enough to get the joke...then he doesn't need to President...if he is lying to the American people to get what he wants...well, that's no "change" I believe in.
                        2008 GOALS GET BELOW 175 (at 175 now) RUN 6:00 MILE (at 6:29) RUN BELOW 25:30 5K RUN BELOW 55:00 10K RUN A MARATHON (DEC. 6TH - MEMPHIS - ST JUDE)

                        Lazy idiot

                          if he is lying to the American people to get what he wants
                          I believe that's called politics. Wink </jumps>

                          Tick tock

                          Insert witty title here

                            TnThomas - I do agree McCain gave a vague answer saying some of the richest people he knew were some the most unhappy. Also he stated that he didn't want to raise anyone's taxes...he wants everyone to get rich...but Obama is still using the comment grossly out of context for political gain. If Obama wasn't smart enough to get the joke...then he doesn't need to President...if he is lying to the American people to get what he wants...well, that's no "change" I believe in.
                            Given the "genius" that's in office right now it's shocking that any republican would have the gall to question anyone's intelligence! At any rate, Obama is smart enough to know that to those who are not rich, it's no joking matter. Those people were looking for a straight answer and instead they got a joke from McCain (the so-called straight talk express). The majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and don't own 7 houses. They want a leader who understands their problems not one who jokes about it while dancing around a question he doesn't like. Obama isn't lying to get what he wants, he's simply pointing out that McCain doesn't understand the average American's problems and therefore is not a smart choice to be our leader.

                            ThomasRuns Blog

                            "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." - [Walter Bagehot]

                              Wow. You sure you want to talk about houses. Most Americans don't run around with convicted billionaires who finance their million dollar homes or buy the lot attached to it for them so they can get it for 1/3 of the price. Most Americans never associate with people who set off bombs in our nations capital and NEVER admits to believing it was wrong. Most Americans don't sit under spiritual leaders that preach "GD America" for 20 YEARS. Most Americans don't want their goverment officials to vote present 130 TIMES and not either Yes or No to the issues that they face EVERY DAY. Most Americans don't know that his Economic Policies were just combined into a proposal which was voted down 99-0...even Obama himself VOTED against his own bill. Or the fact he will not release his state records b/c the fear of accepting earmarks and the pork he recieved will cast a bad light on him...there is a TON of stuff we DON'T Know...and NOONE beside Hillary and Bill in the Democratic Party has asked why? It is truly sad.
                              2008 GOALS GET BELOW 175 (at 175 now) RUN 6:00 MILE (at 6:29) RUN BELOW 25:30 5K RUN BELOW 55:00 10K RUN A MARATHON (DEC. 6TH - MEMPHIS - ST JUDE)

                              I've got a fever...

                                On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.