The Gym is a Freak Show (Read 1287 times)

Chris Pinney

    A nice breeze?




    Although we don't having nearly the sick amounts of snow in other parts of the country, the shoulders and sidewalks are long gone.

    I figured out how to play chess during easy runs. The Olympics are great to watch while running. There's a smaller balcony in my gym that has the best treadmill of 40 or so. See why?


      Yup. It's the only one that has a big AC vent right next to it.








        Yup. It's the only one that has a big AC vent right next to it.


        Do you play chess against the computer?  Or against players online?  I wanna play chess while I run !!!

        Oh roo roooo!

          I can't do simple math when I run, figuring my pace and so on, so I simply can't imagine playing chess!


          Proboscis Colossus

            I can't do simple math when I run, figuring my pace and so on, so I simply can't imagine playing chess!


            Same here.  I might be able to manage a game of "Chutes and Ladders," though.  Do they have that?

            "God guides us on our journey, but careful with those feet." - David Lee Roth, of all people



              Do you play chess against the computer?  Or against players online?  I wanna play chess while I run !!!


              Other players from around the world, live. Games are 3 minutes per player so you're making a move about every 10 seconds or less.

              The trickiest thing is moving the pieces correctly, while bouncing on the mill. Keep in mind this is only workable on easy runs. But it does make the time go by.








                Sort of a gym biathlon.

                FIDE rating minus 5K time in seconds. High score wins.


                 The trickiest thing is moving the pieces correctly, while bouncing on the mill. Keep in mind this is only workable on easy runs.

                  Sort of a gym biathlon.

                  FIDE rating minus 5K time in seconds. High score wins.



                  could well catch on (and rival Chess Boxing in the process).

                  My leg won't stop mooing.


                  i think i've got a calf injury.


                    Sort of a gym biathlon.

                    FIDE rating minus 5K time in seconds. High score wins.



                    Game on.







                    Just a dude.

                      Yikes... I better get fast, cuz right now I'd be struggling to stay in positive numbers...



                      Getting back in shape... Just need it to be a skinnier shape... 


                        Sort of a gym biathlon.

                        FIDE rating minus 5K time in seconds. High score wins.



                        Any extra points for playing blindfolded? (chess, not running)

                        Ultra Cowboy

                          I am NEVER going to the gym AGAIN!






                            Here's a funny one.







                            CT JEFF

                              Ended up on the treadmill next to this guy:

                              -Cell phone rings. Answers it. "Hey baby. Why you cryin'? Im not gonna leave you. Shhh. Im not gonna leave you. Shhh... No, dont hurt yourself. Im not gonna leave you. Is your mommy there? ---" This goes on for at least 5 minutes.


                              Im thinking really? (1) your girlfriend is acting like a friggin 14 yr old.  (2) you cant stop the treadmill to go talk to her? (3) you think the rest of us want to hear this shit?


                              And that was the day I started bringing headphones at the gym.

                              RUN SAFE.     Barefoot 1st: 6/9/13. PR: 5k=22:50 10k=47:46 HM 1:51. FM 4:28 Oct 2015 joined RUN 169!


                                Day 3 of the gym.


                                Hopefully the last day for another year.


                                Glad my gym/rec center is predominately old guys with white tshirts. Seems everyone knows everyone else. I was the weird runner dude.


                                One guy would do about 10 reps on a machine then slog a lap on the 1/16 mile track. Mix and repeat maybe 16 times.

                                Get off my porch