Pity Party (Read 1383 times)



    For those unfamiliar with rugby, that might need some clarification.

     i would say so as took that whole post as totally inappropriate on many levels, since this thread should not be an opportunity to onload your emotional backage.  And i would have not associatted her comments with rugby and I was actually a Rugby player in college.

    "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it Great!

    Now that was a bath...

      OOppps the missing capital didn't help!


      Calm down Buckeye.  I was making a point.  The running helped.  Frank Bunce's daughter didn't but I certainly don't need to unload it here, I just laugh about it in public. 


      The running is where I unload.


      Again, that was my point.


    • jlynnbob "HTFU, Kookie's distal tibia"
    • Where's my closet? I need to get back in it.

      Beware, batbear...

        Most of this advice is about how to get over a divorce, and I see that you're connecting that to your running.  However, you asked about not feeling motivated to RUN.  There are infinite excuses to not run.  So yours is the divorce and it's not giving you the same satisfaction it once did.  Ok.  That's legit.  But somebody on this website gave the advice, "I don't give myself enough time to think about NOT running, I just get up, put on my sneaks, and go."


        Lace 'em up.  Go run. 


        I also find some relief in killing snails...if you'd like to join, bring a salt shaker to my backyard and we can go on a snail rampage....little bastards.

        2014 Goal -- Run 5X per week, pain-free (relatively) by end of summer.

        Mr Inertia

        Suspect Zero

          When I lost motication and had a hard time getting out the door last year (came really close to just quitting) I took one week off. One week where I didn't even bother trying to lace up. One week where I refused to feel guilty for taking a break.


          Then I decided that I would run without goals. Just get out the door and whatever happened, happened. If I ran up the street, stopped and turned around and walked home, that was ok, I still ran. If it was a mile, fine. 3 miles? No problem, that's fine too. No watch, no GPS, just out the door for whatever I felt like. Sometimes I didn't even know until the run was over what was in store for the day. I just had to get in three runs per week. No feeling guilty about "not enough" because it was all I could handle.


          Did that for a while and began looking forward to the run and they got longer and more focused with time.


          That's what worked for me. Sorry to hear you're having such a struggle. Stay close, keep us posted.


            sorry to hear that times are tough. heres hoping to brighter days ahead and many more miles to come when you're ready.

               I gotta tell ya, Kooky, as the parent of an 18 year old daughter I can say that the only way that little butt nugget would have motivated me to run was if it was running over him in a truck.  And then backing up.  Slowly.  Then forward again.  Then back again. Then...

              When the asshole with the small head (or Geoff as other poeple like to call him) knocked up my 16 year old daughter I ran with anger and hurt and I stamped on my shadow with pure hatred for him.  


              I got angry.


              I used it to run.


              Then I ran and ran and ran and ran it out of me.


              When the asshole with the small head (or fucking cock sucker as I now like to call him) had sex with an all Black's daughter and left my 18 year old girl and one year old grandson sobbing on the floor, I ran with hurt for all he put our family though and it motivated me to find my peace.


              All in all the running helps bro.  Get out there.  Feel fit.  Look better.  Get angry.  Use it to run. 



              Get thee some endorphins.


              And who am I anyway?
              Just another fat jogger, evidently.

                butt nugget

                one to remember

                A Saucy Wench


                  Plus, 50something and out of shape is no way to get back into the game, if that's what you want.

                   You seemed to enjoy the group run....go find more group runs.  Hot runnerly chicks hang out at group runs.  Flirt with them even if you dont mean it and it is wildly inappropriate.  It's good practice.


                  Seriously, I am sorry for what you are going through and I know it is hard to run when life hits you like that, but running can also pull you through it.  For me I just had to register for something I was in no way in good enough shape to do.  Fear of misery on race day pulled me out the door.

                  I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                  "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                  Buffalo Gal Rides Again

                    wow...this post caught me off guard.  Hawk, I'm the same age and was knocked right off my chair in a big way by a divorce in the last year (it was final last week).  I concur with Anya on the experience. Hence my tag line "Ridin' the storm out".


                    I almost stopped running.  I was a new runner, not in any way a good runner (still not...oh well) and I'm really slooooowwww.  And, it was in the middle of winter in Michigan. But, from somewhere deep inside, I found the motivation to sign up for an indoor triathlon.  I started working out again.  Not running, but working out.  It felt good.  I kept doing it.  I started running.  Slooowwww.  Running got the endorphins going.  That felt great.  Over time, it helped me cope.  And, in time, helped me thrive. 


                    I can't IMAGINE the past year without running or without my running and walking friends that travelled all over the country for runs in San Antonio, Detroit, Charlevoix (Michigan) and Nashville.   I joined a running group just this week to meet some more new people.  AND, I'm running a half in South Bend this coming weekend.  Unimaginable just a year ago.


                    There is life after divorce. In fact, there is a better life after divorce. Dig in, find your mojo and ride it back to who you are.


                    All the best, BG 

                    March: Irish Jig 5K (DONE), Kent City Ridge Run 5K (DONE) April: Iron Girl 5K (DONE), Kentucky Derby Half May: 5/3 (10K) July: Cherry Festival 15K August: Chicago Rock N Roll Half, Crim Festival of Races (10 miler) October: Grand Rapids Marathon (Half-Hometown Gig)
                      Hawk, if you want the motivation back, try this.  Go to a race.  Don't go to run it, just go to one to watch.  Go early and stay to the end.  Volunteer at the race if you want.  Being there and seeing it may bring back the motivation.  It did for me.
                      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                        Hawk, I looked at your profile and want to use your own words against you.


                        Why do I run: 
                        I run because of the way I feel when I am out there; listening to my body as the miles go by, the sense of freedom that I feel and the enjoyment of being a part of the running community.
                        Why I started running: 
                        I started running to help in my attempt to change the direction my life was going at the time.


                        We all feel sorry for you about the unforeseen divorce and you can't fix it, but you can't let it run your life and don't let it ruin your life.  Whether it's running or something else, pick you self up and move on. 


                        I liked the advice that somone else gave you, go out to a race, even volunteer.  It's a great way to meet people.  I'm not saying get back on the horse and start dating, that's up to you, but women aren't the enemy and you should mingle and show people that you're a positive guy and a strong person. 


                        But I think the most improtant part is get out and do something, socialize, group runs, take a walk, volunteer, Day of Caring, anything to stimulate your mo jo.  You need to feel good about yourself and if you're wallowing in self pity, others will notice and shy away, but if you are working on a positive attitude and displaying your glass is half full, others will come along and fill that glass up. 


                        Let us know how you're doing, okay?








                        "Today I broke my record for most consecutive days lived!"

                          Wow…your responses have left me overwhelmed.  Thank you all so much.  And thanks to those who took lines from my profile and signature line to remind me of things that seemed to have slipped from my mind.  I have taken your advice and signed up for a race, BIX 7.  Thank you all again.

                          "It is very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runner. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants to quit." George Sheehan


                            A bright person once said:


                            Those who Conquer Others are Strong

                            Those who Conquer Themselves are Mighty


                            Good Luck with your race!










                            Now that was a bath...

                              You go Brother!


                              Run like the wind!

                            • jlynnbob "HTFU, Kookie's distal tibia"
                            • Where's my closet? I need to get back in it.
                                Hawk--I had a big letdown during the same time frame (still married, daughter not knocked up).  I talked to another guy in my neighborhood who experienced the same thing this year.  It knocked him out of doing a HM.

                                I thought it was just a slow recovery from the flu in early Feb. but now, I'm not so sure.  I wonder if the whole economy thing started getting to some of us.

                                In any event, sorry about the divorce--seems to be the norm rather than the exception these days.

                                kooky--good post!  Pi$$ on 'em!


                                "I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead..." J. Buffett There are two rules in life: 1.) Don't sweat the small stuff 2.) It's ALL small stuff
