What constitutes a run during a running streak? (Read 1244 times)


    Just so you know those 227 people do not represent the whole population of streakers...
    Well no screamin' eagle shit there you. Now drop and give me infinity. I'd guess there's whole boatloads of people out there with big long running streaks who've never heard of some organization (or thought to care) and who define their streak however the heck they want to. Of course, that'll all change once our organization starts building the Re-education Camps. We will crush dissent.

    E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


    Good Bad & The Monkey

      Idiots, the lot of you.
      Scout, why do you hate puppy dogs?

        Scout, why do you hate puppy dogs?
        Why do birds suddenly appear, every time Scout is near?

        E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


        Good Bad & The Monkey

          whatever some "official" organization decides is how you choose your opinions?
          How do the Marathon Maniacs define a race?

            How do the Marathon Maniacs define a race?
            Who cares? Hey, that reminds me, can we get 3 more people and advertise our run on Sunday. No reason, really. Just feels right to me.

            E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


            Good Bad & The Monkey


              Who cares? Hey, that reminds me, can we get 3 more people and advertise our run on Sunday. No reason, really. Just feels right to me.
              Too late.



                What if you can't do 4.1?
                Then you suck.

                Runners run


                  Scout, why do you hate puppy dogs?
                  I like puppies. It's people I hate.

                  Good Bad & The Monkey

                    Too late.
                    LOL. No, for real. Really, I laughed.
                    I like puppies. It's people I hate.
                    I'm not talking about your dinner.

                      Then you suck.
                      Bet I don't seem so elitist anymore, do I?

                      E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                        LOL. No, for real. Really, I laughed.
                        Me too.

                        E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                          I'm not talking about your dinner.
                          Neither was I. Souls of the innocent. Taste like chicken.

                          I've got a fever...

                            3.14159265 miles. Everything comes back to pi.

                            On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                              3.14159265 miles. Everything comes back to pi.
                              Only if you run in a circle/loop.