Zipcode (Read 1125 times)

    Any way to think about adding a search for maps by zipcode? There are a ton of maps in my tiny town of Nashville, and when I visiting bigger cities, it is much, much worse. I know that a run can start and end in different codes, but maybe you can have an option to enter where it starts or ends?


      i had no idea you lived in nashville as well. Hello there. I agree with this request it would make my life a million times easier for those out of town runs. Thanks
      eric :)

        I got one better than that. Most of it is done, but I want to add that special RA touch to it Big grin Forget ZIP codes because they're not international friendly. Some other sites already have it and I'm a little behind the ball. What I'm talking about is viewing the nearby routes on the map. Wouldn't that be easier? It should be ready by the end of the month. Stay tuned! eric Smile


          using someone else's route isn't that cheating? I like the sounds of that. Thanks Eric!
            using someone else's route isn't that cheating? I like the sounds of that. Thanks Eric!
            Nope! But using someone elses workouts is. Big grin Eric - I cant believe you already are working on my request - only one step better. And Geoff, yep, I live in Nashville, too. Except unlike you, I actually live in Nashville and not Hendersonville. I have been here for about 2.5 years which means there are days when I feel like its forever, and days when I still feel like a newcomer. Let me know if you are ever in town and up for a slow run. BTW: Good job coaching the past few weeks. Oh wait, that is Jeff with a J! Roll eyes

              And Geoff, yep, I live in Nashville, too. Except unlike you, I actually live in Nashville and not Hendersonville.
              Well, then clearly you have a date with a monkey next November. Get your application in now. http://harpethhillsmarathon.com/

              E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                YaY for Monkey's. You should definitely join everyone for that race. I didn't know we could already register Eric when did that happen? What do you consider slow? I am always looking for peeps to run with shoot me over an email gfischerj@gmail.com

                Why is it sideways?

                  Any Nashvillians interested in a running trails, there's a group that meets at Deep Wells in Percy Warner Park Wednesday mornings at 7am. If you're interested, drop me an email at j.edmonds@vanderbilt.edu and I can get you on the group mailing list. All paces, times, and distances allowed and encouraged. Seems like there are a lot of folks here from the 'Vegas. Do we want a forum other than the local RA "striders" forum? BTW, this thread is officially hijacked.

                    Any Nashvillians interested in a running trails, there's a group that meets at Deep Wells in Percy Warner Park Wednesday mornings at 7am. If you're interested, drop me an email at j.edmonds@vanderbilt.edu and I can get you on the group mailing list. All paces, times, and distances allowed and encouraged. Seems like there are a lot of folks here from the 'Vegas. Do we want a forum other than the local RA "striders" forum? BTW, this thread is officially hijacked.
                    Hey, Jeff: Just got back from a trail run in PW; empty, cold, but beautiful. Strangely monkey-free. My knees could still feel the Monkey, though. Anyway - where exactly is Deep Wells? Let me know. I might be up for joining you after X-mas. Assuming there are some slow people around. What route do you run? (I just did the red-candycane-blue loop, my personal favorite. Do you run the horse trails?) And yeah - there are way too many Nashvillians here. Kinda creepy, in a Foucaultian sort of way.

                    E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

                    Why is it sideways?

                      Deep Wells is what I think of as the mossy ridge loop trail head. The entrance is off of hwy 100, but not Vaughn's Gap. I'm not going to be there Wednesday, as I've got knee problems of my own. I think the idea is to try to do red-white-blue, but I imagine folks will have varying aspirations. There's further info on the monkey board and recently on the striders message board (trail ultra thread).

                      Good Bad & The Monkey

                        Hijack 1: Deep Wells is the picnic area off Highway 100. It is where Fleet Feet had their fluid station at the Monkey. On the 11.2 it is right at mile marker 2, just before you ascend to the heavens at 3-mile hill. You can see Deep Wells on this map thing - http://harpethhillsmarathon.com/parkmap/ Hijack 2: Monkey 2007 will be limited to 200, and it is not clear if there will be any waiting list. You cannot register yet, probably not until August. You can however go to the website and request to be contacted when there is info available about registration, including the date registration will open. I already have nearly 90 names of folks wanting to register, so I expect registration to fill very quickly. If you want to get on the information emailings, please do go to the website and put in your name. And Abbaroodle knows all about the monkey. Big grin Hijack 3: Abbaroodle and everybody else, I do have a NashvilleStriders group on the Running Ahead user groups. There I have put in a bunch of maps. Hijack 4: I ran white/red/blue on Sunday. I still have some monkey in my legs. I will probably start running the trails in January with the group, but I doubt I can do White/Red/Blue in the mornings before work. I think some of us will run a shorter distance and at a bit slower pace. All three trails are about 11.5 miles. You can see the trails on the map thingy that I posted up above Back to the point: Eric, I LOVE it! But also search by zipcode would be great for when I am traveling.


                          Thanks for the update Trent I was starting to wonder if I was missing something or just plain dumb. I look forward to getting the email update. I check everyday even though it isn't august lol
                            I knew I blew my cover, but perhaps that was long, long ago. (Trent - when did you figure out my dual identity? Before or after I posted a map to the Nashville striders user group? I know my recent experiment completely blew it...) I need a new alias now! Blush As for the Monkey hijak: 1) I was the person at the finish with Miller High Life for anyone who needed it. I was supposed to be at mile 23, but peeps were finishing faster and things got shifted around. So blame yourself for running to fast for the lack of refreshments at the last beer I mean water stop. 2) I do not run marathons. I seem to have to keep reminding myself and others of that these days. But it is twice as many miles as I want to run in a day. Besides, who has time for four-hour training runs? Much better to cheer and eat Trent's pie and run later. 3) I am actually hoping to be abroad next year starting in the summer, which unfortunately means Nashville will be a loooong flight for a marathon. But that is still extremely up in the air right now.... 4) I run around 10-min miles or a PW-converted pace of 2:05 per 11.2 miles. Wink Given that my runs seem challenging, I dont consider it slow, but many people would find it snail-like. I usually run later in the evenings, so company is definately nice. (Me and mornings dont get along - I'm not a morning person is the biggest understatement I have ever heard! But weekends sometimes.....)

                              I do not run marathons.

                              E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                              Good Bad & The Monkey
